The Cima Vallona ambush (Italian: Strage di Cima Vallona) was a double improvised explosive device attack on Italian security forces at Cima Vallona, Provincia di Belluno. The ambush was carried out on 26 June 1967 by members of the South Tyrolean Liberation Committee, a paramilitary organization seeking the independence of German-speaking South Tyrol from Italy. The first explosion, involving the use of a landmine, struck a patrol of Alpini from the Italian Army, called in after the bombing of an electricity pylon. A second patrol, this time composed by Carabinieri, bore the full blast of a booby-trap while searching the area of the previous attack. One Alpini and three Carabinieri were killed, while a fourth Carabiniere survived with serious injuries.

A four-men team detached from the Compagnia Speciale Antiterrorismo, a provisional mixed unit drawn from the Carabinieri Parachute Battalion and the Saboteurs Parachute Battalion, was flown in from San Giacomo di Bolzano on an AB 204 helicopter of the 4th General Purpose Helicopters Unit. The members of the group, two officers and two NCOs, were all paratroopers and the two NCOs were both bomb disposal specialists. The mission of this team was to collect evidence to trace the individuals behind the attack. The helicopter landed the paratroopers at the base of the peak, several hundred meters from the mined area, that they reached on foot through a narrow trail. On their way back, some 400 meters from the landing area, a trip-wire bomb went off, killing Carabinieri Captain Francesco Gentile, Saboteurs 2nd Lieutenant Mario Di Lecce and Saboteurs Sergeant Olivo Dordi. The fourth man, Saboteurs Sergeant Major Marcello Fagnani, received 40 shrapnel wounds, but survived.[6] According to Italian authorities, the BAS group who set up the ambush departed from Obertilliach, in the Austrian Tyrol, and reached Cima Vallona from a clandestine mountain path.[7]

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It is easy to understand why ambush marketing initiatives are regarded so seriously. They are detrimental both for the event organizers (which reserve the right to assign advertising or image rights to whomever they want) and for the official sponsors and partners of the event (which have paid money to associate their products, services and corporate image with the event).

The first regulations to tackle ambush marketing were enacted in Australia on 2000, prior to the Sydney Olympic Games; however, there are a number of (general) legal remedies available to ambushed parties, such as trademark infringements, misleading advertising, unfair competition, etc.

It is also worth noting that no important international sports events have been held in Italy since the 2006 Winter Olympics held in Turin: in fact, the first specific regulatory approach on ambush marketing in Italy was in 2006.

However, the legislator did not introduce a general prohibition of ambush marketing; such a prohibition was specifically limited to the Winter Olympics 2006 (i.e. only ambush marketing in the context of the Turin Winter Olympics was prohibited).

The need for a general legal framework on ambush marketing arose because a number of significant sports events are set to be hosted in Italy in the next future: the UEFA Euro 2020 football championships, the ATP Finals in tennis from 2021 to 2025, and the Winter Olympics in 2026. This is the reason why the bill has been prepared and the Decree has been approved.

Italy took a step forward toward the prohibition of "ambush marketing" activities with the approval of Legislative Decree no. 16 / 2020, which entered into force on March 14, 2020, and was recently converted into law, with amendments (Law no. 31 of May 8, 2020, published in the Italian Official Journal no. 121 of May 12, 2020). The decree, now law, has been expressly adopted given the organization of the Milan-Cortina 2026 Winter Olympic Games and the 2021-2025 ATP Finals Turin 2021-2025. However, it generally applies to any national and international sports events in Italy (upcoming events are Euro 2021 and the 2022 Ryder Cup).

Meanwhile, Ward was ambushed by Sofia, who lured him inside their cabin and attacked him with another operative. Ward managed to incapacitate them, but since he was unable to contact his S.H.I.E.L.D. teammates, he went to see Simmons to alert her of the situation. He instructed her to join Fitz and Skye, after which he was chased by Mancini and his men. Ward was thus forced to flee to the dining car, where he warned Coulson. The two S.H.I.E.L.D. agents then jumped out, and Mancini threw a Dendrotoxin Grenade at them, incapacitating them.

Progressing on foot after the train, May found Coulson and Ward unresponsive. She decided to take them to safety and went to explore the countryside to find a car. However, she was ambushed by Russo, who captured her and brought her to a warehouse to torture and interrogate her. Nevertheless, Russo underestimated May's abilities, and she was able to break free of her bonds. She killed the guards accompanying Russo, who was wounded but still able to flee.

The eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo is home to numerous rebel groups vying for control over the mineral-rich land. Rangers in the Virunga National Park, which stretches along the country's eastern border with Rwanda and Uganda, are often targeted in attacks. Last month, six rangers who were patrolling the park by foot were killed in an ambush by armed assailants, according to a statement from the Virunga National Park.

With this inaugural decision on the subject, the Italian Competition Authority has thus provided its initial guidelines in the field of ambush marketing, to which companies will have to pay increased attention when conducting their advertising campaigns.

The British plan to trap the 10th Army had worked, despite the British being outnumbered 4:1 in medium tanks and most of the Italian tanks being new, while the British tanks had covered more than 1,000 mi (1,600 km) since the beginning of Operation Compass in December 1940. The speed of the dash from Mechili had surprised the Italians, despite the obvious danger of such a move, especially when the British reached Msus on 4 February; had the Italians on the Via Balbia been prepared for a road block and made an organised attack, the 10th Army might have escaped. The British had gambled with the provision of fuel and supplies, which were capable only of sustaining a short operation and narrowly succeeded but the pursuit could not continue beyond El Agheila, due to broken-down and worn out vehicles. On 8 February, the 11th Hussars (advance guard of 7th Armored Division) patrolled westwards without air cover to the area 130 mi (210 km) east of Sirte , lifting prisoners and equipment and finding no organised Italian defences till reaching El Agheila on 9th February where they halted for good. An Italian tank battalion survived the ambush at Beda Fomm and bogged down in salt marshes around Agadebia surrendered to last man to a an British armored car patrol from 11th Hussars.

When Italy was chosen as hosting country of the 2006 Winter Olympics, the House adopted Law no. 167 of August 17, 2005, introducing temporary provisions (in force until December 31st, 2006) to protect official sponsors' rights. Such provisions addressed specifically the practice of ambush marketing, defined as "activities parallel to those undertaken by economic or noneconomic bodies authorized by the organizers of the sporting events, with the aim of making a profit" and considered as illicit.

Goma, February 23 (RHC)-- In the Democratic Republic of Congo, three people were killed Monday following an ambush on a United Nations humanitarian convoy in the eastern region of the country, near the city of Goma.

The decision to launch the operation was made after coalition forces determined the kidnappers had started heading south Monday morning in two cars, Parisi said. Italian special forces ambushed the convoy.

ROME (Reuters) - Italian police are on high alert for an outburst of hooligan violence after alleged fans of Serbian club Red Star Belgrade ambushed AS Roma supporters and stole their cherished banners.

The Via Rasella ambush on March 23, 1944, was the largest partisan attack carried out in occupied Italy. It came at a complicated time in the war. Allied forces were closing in on Rome from Monte Cassino to the southeast and from the Anzio/Nettuno beachhead to the south.

Suspected Mafia gunmen ambushed a senior Sicilian judge as he returned home to Palermo from a country weekend with his handicapped son, killing them both in a burst of automatic weapons fire, Italian police said Monday.

The so called "code of honour" among crime groups seems to be pure myth, and it was evident after a brutal murder of a 3-year old boy in a mafia ambush in southern Italy. 

Domenico was shot dead along with his mother and her partner when the car they were travelling in was attacked by gunmen in Taranto on Monday, sparking reactions of horror in Italy. Two other children in the car apparently only survived because they played dead. be457b7860



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