Now for the bad, why I am so frustrated, and ultimately dropped the game. The first thing I'll mention are the controls. Arthur is clunky, and certain button mappings just make no sense. I rarely have much issues with controls in games. I play a ton of different things, and generally pick them up easily enough, but this game I was constantly struggling to perform basic tasks even after 20+ hours. I'd attempt to mount my horse, but oh no, a woman was standing too close and Arthur was pretty sure I wanted to slug her instead, because that's the same button for some idiotic reason. Then I'd finally get mounted up, and the horse would turn off like it was possessed to make a hard 90 degree turn. I ran into so many trees, NPCs, fences, etc. Even simply tasks like then hitching my horse or trying to pick something up could lead to frustration with the awful button mappings and aiming. Part of it too is just an outright input lag, part of it is buggy interactions, and part of it is lengthy animations. When you tell Arthur to move right, he takes a moment, and then there's a relatively long windup animation for him before he has actually turned and begins walking. There are tons of very lengthy animations beyond just movement. At first, it was brilliant and immersive to see Arthur actually bending down and taking time to skin and animal or pick something up. But after ~15 hours, that novelty wore off for me and it became tedious. In a linear, shorter game, or a less action-oriented game, I think I would have loved it. But so often in the middle of a shoot out or tense moment, I felt the biggest hurdle was just getting Arthur to do what I wanted, rather than me fighting off a Pinkerton or gator.

For some context, I did not play the first RDR, however I was told this was a prequel and prior knowledge was unnecessary. As far as I can tell, this was the case, and likely the game being a prequel is what really held it back. They were locked into certain plot points that directly conflicted with the open, free game they were making. Combine that with some clunky controls, and gameplay growing stale/repetitive halfway through, I eventually just dropped the game. I do not think the game is bad, want to re-emphasize that, however I do think it has some fundamental flaws. For many players, the plot would not keep them from enjoying it. I do think just how terrible the controls are goes often overlooked, from input lags and lengthy animations reducing player ability, to just terrible button mapping. It's a good game, but not the masterpiece people made it out to be, and ultimately, not for me.

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