Welcome to my website!

I am a Ph.D. candidate at the London School of Economics, a Senior Research Analyst at Policy in Practice and a Senior Researcher for the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Access to Justice / Legal Aid Practitioners Group.

My research lies at the intersection of public economics, public finance and empirical legal studies. I am especially interested in disentangling the impacts of access to civil legal assistance on benefits takeup and economic inequalities.

I collect budget time series to create a World Legal Aid Database and provide insights into the cost structure of the Justice Gap. I am the co-Principal Investigator of the Economics of Legal Aid Project. I am currently mapping changes in the provision of social welfare advice in England, Wales and the United States. 

I am a graduate of the Paris School of Economics and the European University Institute. Before starting my Ph.D., I worked at the European Systemic Risk Board Secretariat and contributed to the World Political Cleavages and Inequality book project.

I am affiliated with the International Inequalities Institute and a fellow of the World Inequality Lab.

You can download my CV here.

You can also find some of my work on my Google Scholar profile.

I'd love to hear from you! Contact me at: j.uraz@lse.ac.uk