
Current and Finished Studies

CASEY Health

(Coordinating Activities to Support the Empowerment of Youth)

The University of Kentucky team was selected to participate in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's (RWJF) Clinical Scholars leadership program to address children's health and education in Appalachia. We focused on addressing a "wicked problem" in Appalachia by designing and evaluating a health education curriculum for elementary school children.

Cultural Values and Dietary patterns

My research team collected data in three community clinics to examine the relationship between cultural values and beliefs and dietary patterns among Hispanic Kentuckians.

Community Health Workers

Researchers at the University of Kentucky, Michigan State University and West Virginia University conducted interviews learn more about addressing food insecurity in rural communities and other health-related topics.

Nutrition Education for Hispanic Kentuckians

My research team completed a mixed methods study about the integration of cultural values and beliefs in a community nutrition education program offered by the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service.


Peer-Reviewed Publications

Dorrance Hall, E., Ma, M., Azimova, D., Campbell, N., Ellithorpe, M., Plasencia, J., Chavez, M., Zeldes, G.A., Takahashi, B., Bleakley, A. and Hennessy, M. (2021). The mediating role of family and cultural food beliefs on the relationship between family communication patterns and diet and health issues across racial/ethnic groups. Health communication, 36(5), pp.593-605.

Attia, S.L., Schmidt, W.P., Osorio, J.C., Young, T., Schadler, A. and Plasencia, J. (2021). Identifying Targets for the Prevention of Childhood Undernutrition in a Resource-Limited Peri-Urban Ecuadorian Community. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, p.0379572120982500.

Plasencia, J., Hoerr, S., Carolan, M., & Weatherspoon, L. (2017). Acculturation and Self-Management Perceptions Among Mexican American Adults with Type 2 Diabetes. Family & community health, 40(2), 121-131.

Weatherspoon, L. J., Quilliam, E. T., Paek, H. J., Kim, S., Venkatesh, S., Plasencia, J., ... & Rifon, N. J. (2013). Peer Reviewed: Consistency of Nutrition Recommendations for Foods Marketed to Children in the United States, 2009–2010. Preventing Chronic Disease, 10:130099.

Peer-Reviewed Presentations and Abstracts

Plasencia, J. (Presenter & Author), Balcazar, H., Hoerr, S., Lapinski, M., & Weatherspoon, L. (2018). Defining Cultural Influences of Disease Self-Management by Mexican-Americans with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Qualitative Synthesis. Minority Women’s Research Network Symposium.Minority Women’s Research Network, Atlanta, GA.

Plasencia, J. (Presenter & Author), Hoerr, S., Balcazar, H., Lapinski, M., & Weatherspoon, L. (2017). Cultural Sensitivity among Registered Dietitians Counseling Mexican-Americans with Type 2 Diabetes. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 117(10), A128. Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food Nutrition and Expo, Chicago, IL.

Plasencia, J. (Presenter & Author),Balcazar, H., Hoerr, S., Lapinski, M., & Weatherspoon, L. (2017). Cultural Influences of Diet and Physical Activity by Mexican-Americans with Type 2 Diabetes. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 49(7), S39. Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior National Conference, Washington, D.C.

Curriculum Publications

Plasencia J, 2010 “An Ounce of Prevention” revision. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. CM-10-01. (English curriculum)

Plasencia J, 2010 “Más Vale Prevenir” revision. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. UNR KC Government Publications 29-Un3AC 7A:2010-02. (Spanish curriculum)

Plasencia J, Braxton-Calhoun M, Woodson J. 2008 “Cocinando Delicioso y Saludable.” University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. UNR KC Government Publications 29-Un3AC 7A:2008-11. (Bilingual curriculum)