Product Design
I was the Director of User Experience for PawnGuru, a web-based platform that connects low-income and underbanked individuals to their local pawn network and other financial resources.
I was the Director of User Experience for PawnGuru, a web-based platform that connects low-income and underbanked individuals to their local pawn network and other financial resources.
Together with our development and marketing teams, I helped to plan, prepare, and implement UX improvements across our app, both on desktop and mobile devices. From this fast and friendly startup environment, I learned how to be lean and test "messy" fixes before working up to more polished solutions.
Together with our development and marketing teams, I helped to plan, prepare, and implement UX improvements across our app, both on desktop and mobile devices. From this fast and friendly startup environment, I learned how to be lean and test "messy" fixes before working up to more polished solutions.