PhD in Economics (2020–present) (thesis defence planned for February 2025)
M.Sc. in Economics (2017–2019), SLU.
Agronomist – Economics (2014–2019), SLU.
B.Sc. in Economics (2014–2017), SLU.
Exchange semester (2018), Lisbon School of Economics & Management.

Research Visits
Visiting PhD at the Center for Environmental Economics - Montpellier (CEE-M), University of Montpellier (Sep 2023–Okt 2023).

TA, Macroeconomics, undergraduate level, SLU.

2024 30th Ulvön Conference on Environmental Economics, Ulvön, Sweden.
2023 17th Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE), Rennes, France.
2023 10th French Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (FAERE) annual conference, Montpellier, France.
2022 Fourth Nordic Annual Environmental and Resource Economics (NAERE) Workshop, Uppsala,
2022 9th EAAE PhD Workshop, Parma, Italy.

Uppsala Center for Fiscal Studies

Work Experience
Consultant in Environmental Economics, Anthesis Sweden (2019–2021).
Student consultant, Sustainergies (2018–2019).
Internship, Anthesis Sweden (2018).
Internship, The Water District Authorities (2017).