
Stephen Meschke - Juggling Data Set -

Start here if...

You are a juggler or data scientist, looking for a simple data set about juggling.


The Juggling Data Set was created by Stephen Meschke in 2018. The data set contains 222,150 frames of tracked video, and 967,902 individual ball locations. There are many forms of juggling. This Juggling Data Set focuses on toss juggling with balls.

This dataset has short videos of several juggling patterns. Tracking software was used to find the balls' locations. The location data is stored in spreadsheet files.

With this dataset, patterns can be analyzed and jugglers can be compared. The tracking data, source video, graphs, and animations are stored in this Google Drive folder and described in the links above.

The Goal

Develop a model that watches a video of juggling and outputs details like trick name and number of catches.

How to Contribute

Do you want to be part of the juggling data set? Contribute a video to the juggling data set, and you will get a tracked video of your juggling. Here is how to contribute:

  • Find a place that is BRIGHT
  • Set the camera to the setting with the highest frame rate. Try to get 120fps or 60 fps. Don't worry about resolution.
  • Use vertical video if necessary. I can fix this.
  • Send the video to my email stephenmeschke@ or to my Instagram.