
Blog for Advanced/Intermediate New Media Spring 2024

1/22- video collage brainstorming

Last semester I did research project on dating simulator games and their reflection of gender perception in the 2000s. Analyzing this game genre’s reflections on romance and sexuality from an asexual perspective suggested strong animalistic imagery like a nature documentary. For the video collage, I want to push this idea of animalistic sexuality and primal thirst by intertwining 2000s and early 2010s dating simulator gameplay footage with cam footage of animals and water dams. I’m also considering incorporating footage of the women on display for spectacle at the 1939 New York World’s Fair as the imagery parallels the gaudy presentation of women in dating simulators.

1/24- hunting for women irl


1/29- crow thing!

1/31- project 1 brainstorming

I’ve been thinking about the type of animation style I want for project 1, and I think I’m going to try to go for a more scribbly spazzy animation style. The crow thing is more of a thing than it is a crow, and I want to reflect that in its scribbly nature as it hops around. Also for saving time because I’m busy with other projects, I want to utilize looping animation mostly in the different settings.  A lot of the crow thing’s animation will loop too but I think it’ll be more malleable to mess around with its different forms when it does different actions like spitting up gold.

2/5- project 1 wip


2/7- project 1 outline

2/12- Event #1

Last week I went to The Power of Plenty Printmaking Exhibition at PVCC. I went to see Professor Ohira and Taylor's prints, and I enjoyed viewing theirs and the other artists' works installed. As a student continuing to learn printmaking, the different techniques displayed here from lithography to silkscreen and monotype were very interesting and insightful to look at. The creative ways each medium was used gave me inspiration for future printmaking projects. Specifically, the large woodblock print installed along with its woodblock is a type of print I would like to attempt in the near future.

2/19- xiao zhu di progress

2/21- background collage for 3-channel projection

2/26- background collage for 3-channel projection

3/11- Event #2

I went to the McGuffey Art Exhibition opening at the McGuffey Art Center, and I really enjoyed looking at the different mediums of student work on display. I was especially drawn to Mindy’s catfish painting, Zoe’s projection, and Domemick’s film. One thing I found interesting was the limitations of the center to display digital works, such as the time-based short films and animations on rotating monitors.

3/15- I went to the National Gallery of Art while I was in DC over break and saw their Joan of Arc painting series

3/18- book cover, printing is stressful

3/20- notes on vest pattern

4/1- vest progress

4/3- iPad crisis

My iPad is dying!!! I'll have to get a new one over the summer :( It has served me well!

4/8- Event #3

I went to Ngasundiera Naxin's exhibition A Fragment of the Cosmos at Visible Records with a friend. We got to talk to him for a while and were interested in the pieces were made entirely with acrylic paint. The size of some of the paintings were also very extreme, and spotting the reccuring motifs through them was also fun to do. He also gave us a tour of his studio space there and showed us some of his prints, and I was particularly interested in his linoleum prints and children's book with the possums.

4/10-  headpiece progress

4/29- hungry world

hungry world.mp4