Juan Francisco Blázquiz Pulido

(You can call me Juanfran, a Spanish short for Juan Francisco)

Ph.D. Student at IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca and University of Alicante

Welcome to my academic webpage!

I am a Ph.D. student in Economics at the IMT School for Advanced Studies Lucca and the University of Alicante (UA).  My supervisors are Ennio Bilancini and Carlos Cueva. Besides, I am a member of the Behavioral, Experimental, and Evolutionary (BEE) research group. 

My main research interests are Behavioral and Experimental Economics, (Evolutionary) Game Theory, and Neuroeconomics. I am currently working on the topics of dishonesty, morality, social norms, and strategic sophistication. In particular, I analyze the determinants of deception by creating methods to discriminate between false and true information and study the drivers of dishonesty in different economic scenarios. Besides, I study the evolution of conventions (i.e., long-run equilibria) in uncertain environments.

Prior to my doctoral studies, I got a Master's degree in Quantitative Economics (Universidad de Alicante) and a Bachelor's degree in Mathematics (Universidad de Alicante).

You can find more detailed information about me in my CV (here) and my research here.