
Hello! I am 2nd year Economics PhD student at the University of California, San Diego. I am interested in labor, public, behavioral, and urban economics. 

More specifically, I am interested in understanding how social norms and spatial factors influence labor market outcomes and give rise to disparities, and how to design interventions that alleviate the negative consequences that arise from these gaps, both for the affected individuals and in terms of efficiency losses. 

Additionally, I would like to apply insights from behavioral economics to better inform the design of these interventions, thus taking into account how individuals behave and how their decisions are influenced by their peers and environment to improve their wellbeing. 

I am interested in working with organizations to use data and design interventions to address the most pressing matters they are concerned with. If you are part of an organization and would like to collaborate, don't hesitate to reach out!

Get in touch at jhernandezleal@ucsd.edu or at jhernileal@gmail.com