Dr. Juan F. Carrillo is an award winning faculty member at Arizona State University's Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. Prior to ASU, Dr. Carrillo was on faculty at UNC Chapel Hill and has taught courses at the University of Texas at Austin and the University of Southern California. He has published his scholarship in journals such as HARVARD EDUCATIONAL REVIEW, EDUCATIONAL POLICY, and EQUITY AND EXCELLENCE IN EDUCATION. Dr. Carrillo is a father, the son of Celida and Juan A. Carrillo and a National Academy of Education/Spencer Postdoctoral fellow as well as the winner of various other awards such as the Division G-Social Context of Education Early Career Scholar Award from the American Educational Research Association. A native of south Los Angeles barrios --he remembers how basketball painted portraits that shaped his life as he navigated schooling. Through it all, or most of it, he has been a basketball fan (w/ a passion for the LAKERS). You can learn more about Dr. Carrillo at: https://education.asu.edu/about/people/juan-carrillo