
Dr. Galinato teaches general and physical chemistry, and is a bioinorganic/biophysical chemist by training. Broadly speaking, her lab focuses on two systems: naturally- and artificially-occurring heme enzymes and porphyrins; and synthetic oligourea foldamers, a group of polymers which model the secondary structures of enzymes.

A) Nitrite reductase activities of globins and related heme enzymes

Nitric oxide (NO), a signaling molecule, plays critical roles for proper body functions at the right amounts but is implicated in various health problems when present in excess. The delicate balance of NO concentrations in the body is controlled by enzymes that eliminate this molecule when in excess, and generate it when required. One group of enzymes that has gained recent attention for its unique role in producing NO through nitrite reduction is the globin family, in particular myoglobin (Mb) and hemoglobin (Hb). Although the mechanism of the reaction between deoxyMb (deoxyHb) and nitrite is unclear, it is postulated to follow that of cd1 nitrite reductases. Her group aims to investigate the fundamental chemistry between globins (and artificial globin-like enzymes) and nitrite. Results generated from her lab ultimately allows for the design enhanced catalysts based on the nitrite reductase activity of Mb in particular, providing a novel means for controlled generation of nitric oxide.

B) Organosulfur oxidation catalyzed by sol-gel encased artificial manganese porphyrins

This project aims to study the effect of the N-donor axial ligand on the rate of sulfoxidation reactions in silica sol-gel artificial manganese hemoproteins. Manganese porphyrins in protein scaffolds are distinctively appealing because they do not bind O2, but instead participate in crucial reactions involving high valent Mn=O intermediates. The protein scaffold aids in the sulfoxidation chemistry by preventing the dimerization of the porphyrin, while the sol-gel stabilizes the system without compromising its spectroscopic or catalytic properties.

C) Conformational preferences of oligourea foldamers

Another thrust in her research lab involves the investigation of foldamers, a synthetic group of polymers that folds into well-defined secondary structures in solution, and have biomedical, material science, and catalytic applications. Her group aims to elucidate the conformational properties and dynamic behavior of foldamers, both of which influence their structural organization. In particular, they focus on oligourea foldamers whose basic motif consists of repeating units of substituted N,N’-diphenylurea. A systematic study of the monomeric units with varying structural features will allow them to determine the driving forces that induce a particular conformation within a specific solvent environment. Combined experimental and computational studies are used, providing quantitative structural information, energetics, and conformational preferences in solvents with varying polarity.

Jacksonville University

2800 University Blvd N.

Jacksonville, FL 32211

Merritt-Penticoff 105


Office phone #: 904-256-7292

Lab phone #: 904-256-8065