About Jessica

Jessica Tagbajumi was born in the city of Warri, Delta state. Memories of her early years, are of her English step-father returning from the big city of Port Harcourt with bags of chocolate. She remembers the hearty English breakfasts and long service hours with her mother at their local white garment church. Her early years were the best, she would say, because those times were full of childlike innocence, dreams, and mischief.

When she moved to Port Harcourt, things changed. Her English step-father returned to England. Her mother migrated to Europe, and Jessica found writing.

Writing was an imaginative expression for Jessica - a creative escape from the chaos around her as a teenager. She wrote stories about surviving HIV/AIDs, at a time when jingles of the disease filled radio stations, sex -Ed classes, and TV programs. She wrote romance stories, when all she could do was fantasize about the boys on TV. Then, she wrote horror when everything seemed too bland and boring. Jessica is not afraid of expressing her imagination on paper. The characters and stories in her head always come to life in a way that has you awed at the myriad of possibilities.

In 2015, Jessica started her blog to practice her writing but she would not post any of her stories until 2017 when she realised that there was nothing to be ashamed of - that her writing was enough for her. In July 2019, she published her first novel - Wings of the Night Sky - an African fantasy novel for young adults, showing them that they are bigger than their fears. That was just the start for Jessica.

She has published novellas, anthologies, comics, and collaborates with Kawe Africa on their library projects and book club. Jessica is enthusiastic about writing more novellas and collaborating with more writers.

For speaking engagements, Jessica is available to discuss the following topics:

  • Her books

  • Life as an author, designer, and comic book writer

  • The importance of creative arts in Africa

  • Confidence and self-awareness in young people



Work In Progress

Published Work