

Enstad, U., van Velthoven, J.T.

Linear independence of coherent systems associated to lattices.

Journal articles

van Velthoven, J.T., Voigtlaender, F.

Coorbit spaces associated to quasi-Banach function spaces and their molecular decomposition.
Mém. Soc. Math. Fr. To Appear. arXiv. OWP.

Bruno, T., van Velthoven, J.T.

Hardy spaces and dilations on homogeneous groups.
Proc. Am. Math. Soc. To appear. arXiv.

Enstad, U., van Velthoven, J.T.
Coherent systems over approximate lattices in amenable groups.
Ann. Inst. Fourier. To Appear. arXiv.

van Velthoven, J.T., Voigtlaender, F.
Classification of anisotropic local Hardy spaces and inhomogeneous Triebel-Lizorkin spaces. Math. Z. 307,  No. 3, Paper No. 55 (2024) Journal.  arXiv.

Beltita, I., van Velthoven, J.T..
Symplectic projective orbits of unimodular exponential Lie groups.
Bull. Sci. Math. 194, Article ID 103445, 19 p. (2024)JournalarXiv.

Koppensteiner, S., van Velthoven, J.T., Voigtlaender, F.
Classification of anisotropic Triebel-Lizorkin spaces.
Math. Ann.  389, No. 2, 1883-1923 (2024). Journal. arXiv.

Caspers, M., van Velthoven, J.T.Overcompleteness of coherent frames for unimodular amenable groups.
Ark. Math. 61, No. 2, 277-299 (2023). Journal. arXiv.

Koppensteiner, S., van Velthoven, J.T., Voigtlaender, F.Anisotropic Triebel-Lizorkin spaces and wavelet coefficient decay over one-parameter dilation groups, II.
Monatsh. Math. 201, No.2, 431-464 (2023). Journal. arXiv.

Koppensteiner, S., van Velthoven, J.T., Voigtlaender, F.
Anisotropic Triebel-Lizorkin spaces and wavelet coefficient decay over one-parameter dilation groups, I.
Monatsh. Math. 201, No. 2, 375-429 (2023). Journal. arXiv.

van Velthoven, J.T.
Integrability properties of quasi-regular representations of NA groups.C.R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris. 360, 1125-1134 (2022). Journal. arXiv.
Enstad, U., van Velthoven, J.T.On sufficient density conditions for lattice orbits of relative discrete series.Arch. Math. 119, No.3, 279-291 (2022). Journal. arXiv.
Caspers, M., van Velthoven, J.T.Density conditions with stabilizers for lattice orbits of Bergman kernels on bounded symmetric domains.
Math. Z. 302, No.1, 609-628 (2022). Journal. arXiv.

van Velthoven, J.T.
Completeness of coherent state subsystems for nilpotent Lie groups.C.R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris. 360, 799-808 (2022). Journal. arXiv.
Bédos, E., Enstad, U., van Velthoven, J.T.Smooth lattice orbits of nilpotent groups and strict comparison of projections.J. Funct. Anal. 283, No. 6, Article ID  109572, 48p.  (2022). Journal. arXiv.
Romero, J.L., van Velthoven, J.T.The density theorem for discrete series representations restricted to lattices.Expo. Math.  40, No. 2, 265 - 301 (2022).  Journal.  arXiv.

Romero, J.L., van Velthoven, J.T., Voigtlaender, F.
Invertibility of frame operators on Besov-type decomposition spaces.J. Geom. Anal. 32, No. 5, Paper No. 149, 72p.  (2022). Journal.  arXiv.

Führ, H., van Velthoven, J.T.Coorbit spaces associated to integrably admissible dilation groups.J. Anal. Math. 144,  No. 1, 351-395 (2021).  Journal.  arXiv.

Romero, J.L., van Velthoven, J.T., Voigtlaender, F.On dual molecules and convolution-dominated operators.J. Funct. Anal.  280, No. 10, Article ID 108963, 56p. (2021)Journal.  arXiv.
Gröchenig, K., Romero, J.L., Rottensteiner, D., van Velthoven, J.T.Balian-Low type theorems on homogeneous groups.Anal. Math. 46, No.3, 483-515 (2020). Journal.  arXiv.
Lemvig, J., van Velthoven, J.T.Criteria for generalized translation-invariant frames. Studia Math. 251, No. 1, 31-63 (2020). Journal. arXiv.
van Velthoven, J.T.On the local integrability condition for generalised translation-invariant systems.Collect. Math. 70, No. 3, 407–429 (2019). Journal. arXiv. 


van Velthoven, J.T.
Reproducing systems arising from unitary representations and functional expansions.
Doctoral thesis. University of Vienna, December 2020.