Database Overview

Database name : Cross Fact

Database administrator : 

Contact information :

General description of the database: Database based on health insurance, include of all rezept(include dental rezept),except of Organ transplant patient and comment field for all patients.

Data source: 

  DPC (Format1): No

   DPC (EF file): Yes

   Medical claim: Yes

   Dental claim: Yes

   Pharmacy claim: Yes

   Electronic medical chart: No

   Lab test results: No

   Ordering: No

   Health checkup: Limited

   Registry: No


Primary origin: Health insurance association

   Number of organization: 101

Data period

   Starting year: 2010

   Latest year: 2022


Handling anonymously processed information: Yes

Following the regulations on anonymously processed information: Yes


Number of unique identifiers [approx.,10K people]: 949.7

Annual number of unique identifiers (latest)[approx.,10K people]: 441

   The latest year: Janualy 2021 to December 2021

% coverage of population: approx. 7.57% of the total population in Japan

Annual N of outpatients (latest)[approx.,10K people]: 439.1

Annual N of inpatients (latest)[approx.,10K people]: 22.6

Annual N of treated diabetes patients (latest)[approx.,10K people]: 12.4

   Definition: ICD10:E10-E14 and EphmraATC:A10

Annual n of influenza (diagnosed) patients (latest)[approx.,10K people]: 0.349

   Definition: ICD10: J10, J11

Follow‐up duration: 

   >=1 year [approx.,10K people]: 709.9

   >=3 year [approx.,10K people]: 442.1

   >=5 year [approx.,10K people]: 257.5

   Median [approx.,10K people]: 2.67

Age Distribution 

0‐14 years old [approx.,%] : 19.86

15‐64 years old [approx.,%] : 77.09

65-74 years old [approx.,%] : 3.01

75 years old or older [approx.,%] : 0.04



Drug master

   Any available master: Yes 

   ATC (EphMRA): Yes

   ATC (WHO): No

   YJ code: Yes

   NHI drug price list code: Yes

   HOT code: No

   Reimbursement code: Yes

   Hospital-original code: No

   Others: No

Dispensing  (in-hospital) : Yes

Dispensing  (out-of-hospital) : Yes

Date of prescription: Yes

Date of dispensing: Yes

Dosage of prescription: Yes

Days of supply: Yes

Administration: Yes

Injection: Yes

Vaccine: No


Procedure master 

   Any available master: Yes

   Reimbursement category: No

   Reimbursement code: Yes

   Others: No

Procedure name: Yes 

Date of procedure: Yes


Date of hospital  admission: Yes

Date of hospital discharge: Yes

Medication while hospitalization: Yes


Diagnosis master

   Any available master: Yes 

   Standard diagnosis code: Yes

   ICD10 code (2013): Yes

   ICD10 code (other than 2013): Yes

   Others: No

Laboratory test 

Lab test master

   Any available master: Yes 

   Lonic code: No

   JLAC code: No

   Reimvursement code: Yes

   Hospital-original code: No

   Others: No


Lab test (ordering): Yes

Lab test results

   Any available test results: No

   Lab test for sample(e.g.,blood, urine, microbe): No

   Physiological test (e.g.,respiratory function, brain waves supersonic waves): No

   Results of diagnostic imaging (e.g.,report of imaging interpretation): No

   Genetic test (pathological tissue):No

   Others: No

Demographic, Vital 

Birth year: Yes

Birth month: Yes

Birth date: No

Age: Yes

Height: No

Weight: No

Blood pressure: No

Insurance Program

National Health Insurance: No

Government - managed Health: No 

Society - managed Health: Yes

Mutual Society of Health Insurance: Yes

Elderly Person's Medical Program: No

Data access

Access to raw data via web: Yes

 Access to original medical charts: No

Timing of data update: Monthly


Latest data: 2.5months ago


Presentation: A few

Publication to peer review journal: A few