
Note: Presentations written in Japanese will be made in Japanese

Day 1

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Hybrid venue: Kobe University, Kobe University Rokkodai Campus, Centennial Hall (Shindai Kaikan) and Online

Registration 9:30 ~ 10:00

10:00 - 12:00

East Asian Investment in Latin America and Energy Transition in the 21st Century (Organized session

Organizer Isamu Okada, Nagoya University


Lorenzo Pellegrini, International Institute of Social Studies (the Netherlands), Post-Fossil Capitalism, a view from Latin America

Leonardo Guzman, Universidad de Santo Tomas (Colombia), The mindset embodied in the Green Development Plan of BRI and the challenges for a global entropic transition in the case of China's dependency on international trade and economic growth: A review from South's critical theories of development and ecological economics

Julie de los Reyes, Kyoto University, The material foundations of a low-carbon transition


Michiko Iizuka, GRIPS

Jewellord Nem Singh, International Institute of Social Studies (the Netherlands)

This session is co-sponsored by the Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University

Break 12:00 - 13:00

Board meeting 12:00 - 13:00 2F Meeting Room B

13:00 - 15:00

Left-turn again: Latin American politics in the 2020s(Organzed session)

Organizer Yusuke Murakami, Kyoto University

村上勇介(京都大学) 総論&ペルー 

安井伸(慶應義塾大学) チリ 

千代勇一(帝京大学) コロンビア 

舛方周一郎(東京外国語大学) ブラジル

This session is co-sponsored by Japan Association of Latin America and the Caribbean

Break 15:00 - 15:10

15:10 ~ 16:40

Individual papers session 1:The Caribbean

Chair Kanako Yamaoka, IDE-JETRO


討論者 大場樹精上智大学)


討論者 鈴木美香亜細亜大学)

田中高中部大学)「国際貿易機関(ITO)1947年ハバナ憲章とキューバ砂糖外交―ITO 会議はなぜキューバで開催されたのか―

討論者 ロメロ・イサミ帯広畜産大学)

Break 16:40 ~ 16:50

16:50 ~ 18:00

Individual papers session 2:Younger scholars in Latin American Studies

Chair Shuichiro Masukata(Tokyo University of Foreign Studies)


討論者 水上啓吾(大阪公立大学)

Samuel Conde Amorim(上智大学・院) 「Brazil's Humanitarian Food Cooperation - Moral Authority's Influence on the Pursuit of Autonomy」

Discussant Nobuaki Hamaguchi(Kobe University)Withdrawn

岩間真菜(神戸大学・院)「Ethnic Differences in the Labor Market Opportunity and Outcome: the Case of Peru

討論者 清水達也(日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所)

Reception 18:10 ~ 19:30

Restaurant, 1F Takigawa Memorial Hall forSamuel Conde Amorim(上智大学・院) 「Brazil’s Humanitarian Academic Exchanges

Day 2

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Hybrid venue: Kobe University, Kobe University Rokkodai Campus, Centennial Hall (Shindai Kaikan) and Online

9:00 ~ 10:30

Individual papers session 3:New trend in Latin America

Chair Ryohei Konta, IDE-JETRO


討論者 松井謙一郎拓殖大学)


討論者 幡谷則子上智大学)


討論者 坂口安紀(日本貿易振興機構アジア経済研究所)

Break 10:30 ~ 10:40

10:40 - 12:40

New textbook on Latin American Economy(Organized session)

Chair Tatsuya Shimizu, IDE-JETRO














Break 12:30 ~ 13:30

General Assembly (Members only) 13:30 ~ 14:30

Break 14:30 ~ 14:40

14:40 ~ 16:40

Trade and development in Latin America (Organized session

Organizer Yoshimichi Murakami, Kobe University


村上善道(神戸大学)Does Deep Integration Facilitate Regional Production Networks in Latin American and Caribbean Countries?


内山直子(東京外国語大学) The (Possible) End of the Expansion Boom of the Japanese Automobile Industry in Mexico, and the COVID-19 Pandemic




Break 16:40 ~ 16:50

16:50 ~ 18:30

Symposium on Digitalisation in Latin America

Organizer Nobuaki Hamaguchi (Kobe University)

Keynote Speech

João Carlos Ferraz (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)

Digitalisation in Latin America: a divide in the making?


Takahiro Sato (Kobe University)

Manabu Ohara (JICA)

This session is co-sponsored by the Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration, Kobe University