Jenkintown School District & Jenkintown Education Foundation Present:

"We are ALL in it TOGETHER"

Poster Design Contest

to promote MASK wearing

for Public Safety in and around the Jenkintown School Community


JSD JEF Mask Poster Contest Notes

Here's a QuicK video explaining all you really need to know for this contest in a few short minutes. ENJOY!


-It's a "poster" design contest to help promote folks wearing masks in and around the JSD community, promoting public health and safety. The images will be shared digitally.

-Designs may be made by hand, or using digital methods, or using any combination of these. Designs should be authentic and original submissions.

-ALL AGES are encouraged to participate- toddlers, school aged children, adults and elders!

-Acceptable submissions will be posted to the JEF Facebook page, and those with the most "Likes" will earn a FREE "J-Town Pride" mask! SUBMIT POSTERS BY EMAIL TO:

...but I want to order masks for my whole family NOW! ... well, you're in luck!

The online store is OPEN for mask orders HERE:

OK, I'm intrigued... tell me more about all this...

Our country has faced crises before. During the Great Depression in the 1930s, more than a quarter of the country’s adults were unemployed. In response, the federal government established the Works Projects Administration (WPA), which created jobs in fields from construction to arts to entertainment. One of the projects undertaken as part of this program – perhaps the single best project in the whole country? – was the construction of a state-of-the-art new Elementary School, located in Jenkintown, PA:

WPA also established some of the first publicly-supported art programs, which led to the Federal Art Project (FAP), which employed 5,000 artists who created 4,500 murals, 19,000 sculptures, and 450,000 paintings. Although the artists were paid less than they would have made from private employers, it helped them survive when jobs were scarce. The posters were commissioned to publicize WPA projects and bring the country together to be proud of its accomplishments and encourage us to support each other. Many art scholars believe this program was the first to transform what had been a mere commercial tool into a genuine art form.

Some of the posters created for the WPA are now considered classic examples of American art. You can check out the full Library of Congress collection of these at this link:

Our JEF contest takes “posters” into the age of “posts,” i.e. social media posts. Just like posters at the beginning of the 1930s, few people regard social media posts as “fine art.” It’s time for YOU to help change that! Show us your design for a meaningful, artistic FaceBook post that advertises the “Jenkintown Pride” face masks and encourages people to use them and protect each other during the COVID crisis. JEF will put your post on its FaceBook page, and the designs with the most “likes” will win a FREE Jenkintown Pride face mask for its artists.

Submissions MUST be received by by 9pm on Monday, July 27th 2020.

Submissions that do not comply with all federal, state, and local laws, including laws against discrimination and/or defamation, and with all School Board policies, including SB 920 regarding appropriate communications, will be excluded from consideration.