in progress


(forthcoming)  Towards an analytical framework for assessing the impact of culture-driven interventions on integrated local development planning: insights from the case study of Piraeus avenue in Athens, Greece. Romanian Journal of Geography. 68(1)  (with Georgia Tseva and Pavlos Delladetsima). 

51. Motor Travel in Mozambique in the late 1920s and Conquering Space: Reading Rufino’s Photographic Albums. Journal of Tourism History

50. History of Tourism in Colonial Lusophone Africa. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of African History . Oxford University Press. January. Link


49. Geographies of Hunger: polyvocalising the histories of geographical knowledge production. Scottish Geographical Journal.

48. [Book review] Espaço Urbano e Habitação Básica como Primeiro Direito. Configurações [Online], 31: 157-160. 


47. África e as Missões de Geografia Tropical Portuguesa na segunda metade do século XX, Terra Brasilis, 17 . Link

47a. Africa and the Portuguese Tropical Geography Missions of the second half of the 20th century, Terra Brasilis, 17. Link

46. Geografia portuguesa, trópicos e colonialismo tardio: proposta e resultados de um dossier, Terra Brasilis, 17 [Com Francisco Roque Oliveira] Link

46a. Portuguese Geography, tropics and late colonialism: proposal and results of a dossier [with Francisco Roque Oliveira] Link


45. (I)mobilidade e táticas espaciais no quotidiano de pessoas em situação de sem teto: o caso do Porto, Portugal. Espaço e Cultura, (49), 85–107 (with Jorge Leão). Link

44. “Geography and Empire.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Geography. Ed. Barney Warf. New York: Oxford University Press. Link


43.Colonial, anticolonial and post-colonial museums, collections and exhibitions: introductory note (with Moisés Martins and Alda Costa). Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies. 7(2): 7-12. Link

42. Searching for Mozambique at the National Museum of Ethnology, Portugal. (with Moisé Martins). Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies. 7(2): 15-32. Link

41. Environmental concerns and attitudes of tourists towards national park uses and services (with Seyed Ghazvini e Dallen J. Timothy) Journal of Outdoor Recreation Tourism. 31, september. Link [ISI 2,014]

40. Analysis of criteria for evaluating environmentally responsible hotels: theoretical aspects and methodology (with Duissembayev А.А., Ussenova D.М.) Bulletin of the Karaganda University, Economy Series. 2(98): 42-52.


39. Methodological proposal to study the uses and appropriations of unfinished estates: a view from Vizela, Portugal. (with Rui Pereira) Heritage, 2(1), 169–183

38. The Colonial Hotel: spacing violence at the Grande Hotel of Beira, Mozambique. (with Denis Linehan), Environment and Planning D: Society and Space 37(2): 276-293 - Link [ISI, 6,664]


37. [Book Review] Histories, Meanings and Representations of the Modern Hotel. International Journal of Tourism Policy. 8(4): 351-353. [Scopus]

36. Portuguese Tropical Geography and Decolonization in Africa: the case of Mozambique, Journal of Historical Geography Link [ISI, 0,833]  

35. Tourists' Values and Perceived Appropriate Uses of National Parks.  (with Seyed Ghazvini, Dallen J. Timothy & Lim Kian) Tourism Analysis 23(4): 445-459 Link [ISI 0,472]

34. The Aesthetics of Ruins: failure, decay, planning and poverty. Finisterra, LIII, 109: 171-175 [Scopus]

33. Collecting countries and territories: a proposal for counting visited places. Lusophone Journal of Cultural Studies / Revista Lusófona de Estudos Culturais Vol.5 (2) Link (in English) Link (in Portuguese)


32. Tourists' walking rhythms: ‘doing’ the Tunis Medina, Tunisia, Social & Cultural Geography 18(3): 295-314 - Link [ISI, 1,663]

31. [Book review] Sustainable Tourism. Driving green investment and shared prosperity in developing countries. Annals of Tourism Research 64: May: 207-209 - Link [ISI, 3,194]


30. How important are value orientations to environmental concern? A comparison of national and international tourists in Malaysia. African and Asian Studies. 15(2-3), 265-288 [with S. A. Moumen Ghazvini & L. K. Lim] Link [ISI, 0,25]  

29. [Book review] Poverty Alleviation through Tourism Development: A Comprehensive and Integrated Approach, Annals of Tourism Research - 60, September: 170-172 Link [ISI, 3,194]

28. Carminda Cavaco: pioneer of tourism studies in Portugal. Anatolia 27(4) 603-608 [With A. Inácio] - Link [Scopus]

27. [Book review] Archipelago Tourism. Anatolia 27:4, 558-559 - Link [Scopus]

26. Reconfiguring the public and the private: Noc-Noc arts festival, Guimarães, Portugal, European Urban and Regional Studies 24(2): 193-208  [with M. Ferreira] - Link [ISI: 2,078]

25. David Harvey: lugares e encontros [David Harvey: places and encounters], Finisterra – Revista Portuguesa de Geografia, 101: 71-88 Full Text [Scopus]


24. Internal Stakeholders. Perspectives in a cultural event: the case of Noc-Noc, Guimaraes, Portugal. Ekonomski Vjesnik, 28: 93-107 [with Marisa Ferreira] - Link


23. Hammams and the contemporary city: the case of Isfahan, Iran. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 20(2): 138-156 [with Zahra Kazemi] - Link [ISI: 1.032]


22. [Book review] Touring Poverty. Journal of Tourism and Cultural Change 11(4): 321-323 Link [ISI: 0.474]


21. [Book review] -Tourists, Signs and the City. The Semiotics of Culture in an Urban Landscape. Tourism Analysis 17(4), 557-558 - Link [Scopus]


20. 'Lusotropicalism: tropical  geography under dictatorship, 1926-74' Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 32: 220-235 [With J. R. Pimenta and A.F. Azevedo]  Full text  [ISI: 1.085]

19. 'Geografias maleáveis: de Achill (Irlanda) a Sambala (Cabo Verde)', Atlântida, Julho, Instituto Açoriano de Cultura: Angra do Heroísmo. Full text


 18.  'Fort Jesus: Guiding the Past and Contesting the Present in Kenya' Tourism Geographies, 12(2): 246-263. Link  [ISI: 1.695]


17. ''Zonas de Contacto' e o Presente (Pós)colonial' Revista da Associação de Professores de Geografia, 36, Julho, pp.26-31. Full text

16. 'Information and Communication Technologies for Development: examples from India and Uganda.' Revista Electrónica Teoría de la Educación. Educación y Cultura en la Sociedad de la Información. Vol.10(2), Julho, pp.193-207 Full text

 15. 'A Sweet and Amnesic Present: landscape and memory making in Cape Verde', Social & Cultural Geography Vol. 10 (5) August:  523-544 link  [ISI: 1.764]

14. 'Spacing Forgetting: the birth of the museum at Fort Jesus, Mombasa and the legacies of the colonization of memory'. First version published in Public Geographies Working Papers, UCC, Ireland (a book chapter in press In Heffernan, M, Meusburger, P. and Wunder, E. (eds) Cultural Memories. Springer: Dordrecht  [with Denis Linehan]) Full Text


13. 'ICT4D: how do we build a second digital revolution?', Chimera, 23, University College Cork Geographical Journal, pp.83-96.

 12. 'Searching for Cultural Geography in Portugal' Social and Cultural Geography, 9(5), August, pp.573-600. Full Text [ISI: 1.764]



11. ‘Driving through Car Geographies’ Aurora Geography Journal, 1, pp.83-107. Full Text


10. 'Variações sobre o Urbanismo Pósmoderno' in Revista da Faculdade de Letras - Geografia, Universidade do Porto, I Série, Vol.XIX, 2003, Porto, pp.255-265 Full Text


9. 'The Geography of Disused Railways: What's Happening in Portugal?' Finisterra, 74, 2002, pp.55-71 Full text [Scopus]


8. [Book review] 'Virtual Geographies: Bodies, Space and Relations' by Crang, Mike, Phil Crang and Jon May (Ed.). New York: Rouledge, 1999, Journal of Cultural Geography, 20(2), Spring/Summer 2003; Oklahoma State University; California, 109-111. [ISI]


7. 'Producing and Consuming Cyberspace'; Chimera; vol.16; University College Cork, Ireland; pp.101-107 


6. 'Cultural Tourism in the International border of the River Minho'; Chimera; vol.15, University College Cork, Ireland; pp.98-103.


5. 'Cyberspace: tourism promotion in West Cork and the Azores'; Chimera; vol.14, University College Cork, Ireland; pp. 19-27.

4. 'Geografia Cultural e Geografia do Turismo: configurações para o final da década de 90' Inforgeo 12/13, pp.163-172.  Full text


3. 'National Parks in Ireland and Portugal: conceptualisation, spatial organisation and management'; Chimera; vol. 13, University College Cork, Ireland, pp.63-65


2. 'Tourism in Portugal'; Chimera; Vol.12; University College Cork, Ireland, pp.42-45


1. 'The Portuguese-Spanish border in the nineteenth century. The establishment of the frontier control'; Chimera, Vol. 10; University College Cork, Ireland, pp.11-18