Children are provided with independent play centers, structured table time activities, daily circle time, and group activities each day.

Daily activities include story time, art projects, puzzles, blocks, word association games, outdoor play, calendar, large and small muscle skills, and other developmental activities.

Dramatic Play

Dramatic play allows children the opportunity to use their imaginations and pretend various roles. Through play, children try to make sense of the events happening around them and deal with the emotions surrounding them.

Dramatic Play

Children are encouraged to "try-on" various roles from the adult world. Social skills grow as children choose definite roles in the "play" of the day whether it be playing House, School, Doctor, or Restaurant.

Table Time

Children can interact with materials on their own or in small groups as they explore items. Counting shells, sorting leaves by size or shape, puzzles and other fine motor activities increase children's interest in everyday items.

Reading Nook

As children explore books on their own or with an adult, they begin to notice that print goes from left to right and top to bottom, that pictures often tell the story, and that the story stays the same as it is read over and over. Listening, paying attention, sequencing and thinking skills are all being used as children enjoy a story.

Art Projects

Art allows children to make choices, interact with a variety of materials, and learn to be thinking and creative. Children complete monthly projects and gifts for others such as Grandparents' Day, St. Patrick's Day, and other holidays.

Sensory Play

Children can interact with materials on their own as they explore a variety of items in shape, size, texture and color. Children apply their senses to various items in the sensory bin including sand, rice, beans, noodles and more.

Field Trips

Santa's Village

Bumble Bee Cafe

Rockford Children's Museum

Public Library

Brookfield Zoo

Kohls Children's Museum

Splash Pad

Bison's Bluff

Green Meadows Farm

All play areas are clean and well supervised. Fire extinguishers are in the kitchen and basement. Smoke detectors are located on every floor. Illinois State Law requires monthly fire and tornado drills to be practiced. Electrical outlets are safely plugged in unless in use.