I want to create a dual range UI slider without using jQuery, most of the dual range sliders have dependency of jQuery and I can't use jQuery in my project. I tried overlapping 2 range inputs but I am stucked at CSS and functionality. Is there any way to make non jQuery dual range slider?Ref-

However I have stumbled upon a slight issue that i cannot seem to resolve. I have 2 main pages, one Dutch and one English. The original homepage(dutch) displays the slider perfectly and does so with out any hiccups. The English page however does seem to load but display the following error message at the bottom of the website:

Jquery Dual Slider Free Download

tag_hash_104 🔥 https://ssurll.com/2yjYVu 🔥

Thanks for writing in! I have logged in and check your site. I already tried everything and yet nothing is working. There could be a corrupt file somewhere since none of the settings is applied to the page. We might need to manually re install the plugin. Please log in to your ftp and browse in plugins folder wp-content/plugins/ location. Please delete the revslider folder. After that, go back to your WordPress dashboard and go to X > Overview > Extensions and re install Revolution Plugin again.

Thanks TomG!

I was actually looking at something like this. I am quite new to this, but need the range/two handles per slider to prevent overconfidence and wishful thinking of the respondents. In the end, I want to have 7 two-handle sliders per question.. you think this is possible?


I have a question that is quite related to this previous post. I have two slider questions on a single page. For each, I need to dynamically update and display two numbers, based on the slider's value. I've successfully programmed this for a single slider question. But I run into complications when there are two sliders.

To give a little more detail: subjects click on a slider to divide tasks between two parts. Screenshot 1 and 2 below show how it's set up for a single slider.

Screenshot 1: Before the slider has been clicked (I've programmed it so that it does not display a default value)

Screenshot 2: After the slider has been clicked:

Importantly, the numbers update as the slider is dragged left and right. Below is a screenshot of my Javascript code:

So the way I trigger the change in display is via jQuery("input[type = hidden]").change.

I run into issues when I have two slider questions on the same page, though. If I initially click one slider, the values for the other slider update to reflect the click. For example, in the screenshot below I have only clicked the bottom slider - so the top should not display any value:

Interestingly, after the initial click, things seem to work fine; I can click and drag either slider without changing the display values for the other. But the initial click seems to trigger both sliders, even though I only want one.

I suspect I need to use something more targeted than "jQuery("input[type = hidden]").change" in my code. But I'm not sure what that would be. Any thoughts are much appreciated.


I am using 2 sliders, 1 to change text, 1 to change images. The two are related and I want them to change at the same time. Is there any way of linking them so that this can be done? here is the web address of the page:...

great solution, however I found that other sliders, and/or hover navigations where affected, if you do not check for the current slider before triggering the tap event. Bubbling occurs and every 200ms other elements may be affected.


Thank you so much for that bit of code. It works great for to sync two sliders together. I am attempting to have this work with two sets of synced sliders which each function independently. In other words I am trying to get the following:

The rangeslider widget can be considered as a double handle slider. To add a rangeslider widget to your page, use two standard inputs with the type="range" attribute, and put them inside a container. The input values are used to configure the starting position of the handles and the values are populated in the corresponding text inputs (the first one at the beginning of the rangeslider, and the second one at the end). Specify min and max attribute values to set the rangeslider's range. If you want to constrain inputs to specific increments, add the step attribute. Set the value attribute on each input to define their initial value. The framework will parse these attributes to configure the rangeslider widget.

The framework will find all input elements with a type="range" and automatically enhance them into a slider with an accompanying input without any need to apply a data-role attribute. To prevent the automatic enhancement of this input into a slider, add the data-role="none" attribute to the inputs.

The rangeslider widget uses the jQuery Mobile CSS framework to style its look and feel. If rangeslider specific styling is needed, the following CSS class names can be used for overrides or as keys for the classes option:

To set the theme swatch for the rangeslider, add a data-theme attribute to the inputs which will apply the theme to the inputs, handles and track. The track swatch can be set separately by adding the data-track-theme attribute to apply the down state version of the selected button swatch.

Optionally wrap the rangeslider markup in a container with class ui-field-contain to help visually group it in a longer form. In this example, the step attribute is omitted to allow any whole number value to be selected.

Sliders also respond to key commands. Right Arrow, Up Arrow and Page Up keys increase the value; Left Arrow, Down Arrow and Page Down keys decrease it. To move the slider to its minimum or maximum value, use the Home or End key, respectively.

This plugin will auto initialize on any page that contains a div with the data-role="rangeslider" attribute. However, if needed you can directly call the rangeslider plugin on any selector, just like any jQuery plugin:

The slider widget will create handle elements with the class ui-slider-handle on initialization. You can specify custom handle elements by creating and appending the elements and adding the ui-slider-handle class before initialization. It will only create the number of handles needed to match the length of value/values. For example, if you specify values: [ 1, 5, 18 ] and create one custom handle, the plugin will create the other two.

The slider widget uses the jQuery UI CSS framework to style its look and feel. If slider specific styling is needed, the following CSS class names can be used for overrides or as keys for the classes option:

There are numerous range slider plugins available for web development. In this article, I will be introducing to you the 10 best jQuery range slider plugins and Vanilla JS range slider libraries to help enhance your range slider experience while maintaining a decent level of browser support. I hope you like it.

A simple jQuery and jQuery UI based price range slider for eCommerce websites that enable the customers to filter product list by a price range specified in the min/max value fields or by dragging the slider handlers.

A simple Vanilla JavaScript-powered range slider UI component with 2 custom thumbs. There is no dependency on jQuery or other frameworks. You can easily customize the color of the thumbs and they move smoothly (not in steps).

I would like to create a range input that has two or more values inside it.As far as I searched, it seems like currently it will require a third party framework to be implemented like jquery-ui etc.. - really? seems a bit too much for this one thing...

Just came across this I was hoping someone had built something like this. I'm trying to do something that spans a user-customizable/configurable range (number of days) like is done in this power BI application.Double-ended slider (Power BI)

Splide is a flexible, lightweight and accessible slider written in TypeScript. It helps you to create various kinds of sliders by just changing options, such as multiple slides, thumbnails, nested sliders, vertical direction and more. Also, you can enhance the slider capability by using APIs or building extensions.

The plugin makes great use of presentation classes to provide powerful customisation. It's important that the slider fits the unique style of your project, and with slight CSS modification you can get some really interesting results.

For example: instead of supplying an option to jQuery to make the pips sit above the slider, we should use CSS to override the positioning of the .ui-slider-pip, .ui-slider-line and .ui-slider-label like so:

It's possible with rest: "label" to set some custom labels to the slider instead of the default values. It's important to note here that the slider will still return its integer value when $(".slider").slider("value"); is called.

Steps can be a little complicated. The default slider allows us to skip along the slider in a pattern. eg: 0, 20, 40...

 Steps are hard-wired in to the slider and so the pips and labels will match the step value.

If we have more than 100 items on the slider (max - min >= 100), then the .slider("pips"); method will only show the pips at a 5% interval. This is because we really do not want to be adding thousands of dom elements to the page for the pips. It can have a dramatic effect on performance for the user. Additionally every pip requires it's own pixel on the screen... so if we had more than 1000 pips, we would need a screen size of at least 1000px wide.

When a slider has the .slider("pips"); method applied to it, the pips method may also take a step option to allow additional control over the way pips are stepped visually. This option has no effect on the slider's functionality.

All functionality that we've seen so far will also apply to vertical sliders. There's no limitation here except that your CSS may have to be slightly different to account for the slider being vertical.

Here's a nice example of a modern, flat style slider using pips. There are no labels so this kind of slider would be purely visual without much help to the user for knowing their real chosen value. In this example we make use of the .ui-slider-pip-inrange class to create the nice "filled in" effect on the pips. 0852c4b9a8

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