However, often you may want tables to be more contemporary with a mobile-friendly outlook by proving a responsive layout or by providing additional functions such as searching, filtering, sorting, or other advanced features. Hence, in this post, I am going to run through a selection of jQuery-powered plugins to create, extend, and enhance any kind of table.

Dynatable jQuery plugin gives you control over the tasks of creating a table and of course, the plugin definitely deserves a look. In some cases, when you are totally into the JavaScript/jQuery, some of the examples or documentation might frighten you away.

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Dynatable allows its users for single or multi-column, smart sorting out of the box and you also can click header once for ascending, again for descending, and again to stop sorting by that column. This could be a great solution for serving your purposes.

CSS is still largely popular and Bootstrap is right up there as one of the leading CSS frameworks. The Bootstrap table plugin is a feature-rich and lightweight table plugin that provides you all the features you need to perform minimal dev work.

One of the most important things of the plugin is the power and scope of the plugin is amazing as you can restyle your tables to make them fully responsive. In addition to this, you can add more functions like filtering, searching, conditional display of columns and so on. You also can hide columns to make the table pretty simple.

This is an extensive plugin that provides you an additional functionality for creating any tables such as sorting, filtering, pagination, and custom theming. The plugin is different than others and it offers a comprehensive amount of documentation so that you can master over your table creation.

Sortable is one of the most prominent jQuery plugins that basically works for sorting tables. If you want to add any sorting functionality you just need to add this jQuery plugin and everything will be done! ?

This plugin is an open-source plugin that is based on JavaScript and CSS library. The main responsibility of the plugin is sorting the tables. You can drop any script and style with 6 stunning themes using the plugin.

This plugin is a superb plugin that is to display the Bootstrap responsive table with pagination and action buttons. You just need to parse your JSON data & pass it to the JSON to Bootstrap table plugin & it will dynamically create a table.

TinyTable is a smart jQuery table plugin that is used to create any kind of responsive tables. All the tables will look great in the mobile/phone browser and this plugin would help you to make your table mobile-friendly format.

The plugin will convert the table width automatically to the maximum width of the browser window. There is an option named overflow that will keep the table in a special container and when it is displayed on the mobile phone it enables swipe gesture.

There is another option which is to convert the table into a 2-columns table which stretches your site along its length. Moreover, using the plugin you can have multiple options to showcase long tables by beautifying it.

FooTable is a jQuery plugin that makes the plain HTML table responsive. The plugin is built-in jQuery and basically works with Bootstrap. This is a smart plugin that makes your tables smarter than ever.

These are the most influential jQuery plugins you can have while creating any dynamic table on your site. All the listed plugins here aim to perform almost in the same way to create tables. Anyone of these plugins mentioned above could be the best option for you.

In the practical cases, there are so many ways you can add the tables on your site, it depends on you what types of plugins you want to use in which platform. You may be a non-WordPress user or you may be one.

i prefer the most readable and extensible way using jquery.

Also, you can build fully dynamic content on the fly.

Since jquery version 1.4 you can pass attributes to elements which is, 

imho, a killer feature.Also the code can be kept cleaner.

which I would read as "Wrap some table in a jQuery object, then remove all 'tr' elements (rows) where the element index of such rows is greater than zero". In reality, it executes without generating an error, but doesn't remove any rows from the table.

Example explained: We use jQuery to loop through each table rows to check if there are any text values that matches the value of the input field. The toggle() method hides the row (display:none) that does not match the search. We use the toLowerCase() DOM method to convert the text to lower case, which makes the search case insensitive (allows "john", "John", and even "JOHN" on search).

Basically all we do in this code is grab the attribute ID of reason on a variable called reasonID, then we replace the Field72 with Field42(the ID of the Cost Per Day Row), then we use Javascript and set the value of reasonID to the variable we want(the class value from the first table). This way, on the switch, Field42(index) will always mirror Field72(index)

jQuery DataTable is a powerful and smart HTML table-enhancing plugin provided by the jQuery JavaScript library. It is a highly flexible tool created to display information in tables and add interactions, enhancing data accessibility in HTML tables. jQuery DataTables allow you to create dynamic data tables while adding advanced features such as pagination, sorting, ordering, searching, and many more to the HTML tables with minimal effort. It ensures better management when the quantity of data is huge. It supports both client-side processing as well as server-side processing.

To get started, we should know that DataTables can work with data from various sources. It can work directly with an HTML table, or data can be specified as an array while it gets initialized, or it can also work on AJAX-sourced data. To work with an HTML table, the basic criteria is that the table should be a valid one

jQuery DataTable is a highly customizable and feature-rich library that can enhance normal HTML tables. This library provides a simple API and a lot of configuration options to allow you to get data from various data sources. In this article, we have briefly discussed some of the most useful features of DataTables, but there is more to it.

The Kendo UI for jQuery Grid enables you to initialize it from an existing table element. The benefits from this approach are improved SEO and a guarantee that the data will be visible even if JavaScript is disabled. When creating the Grid from an existing table, the column settings can be defined with HTML attributes.

In this article, I discussed how to create datatable using the DataTables plugin. To Edit & Update the rows, we need the paid license in dataTable.js. But still, we can achieve inLine editing and inCell editing in jQuery.

Include jQuery (>= 1.6) and jquery.toc.js/jquery.toc.min.js on your page. The plugin can then be used either via HTML5 data attributes, or via the programmatic API. See below for the available options.

The plugin generates hash-links to the headings on the page, to allow users to jump to the heading by clicking in the generated table of contents. This feature requires that the headings have IDs assigned; if they do not, the plugin will generate and assign IDs automatically.

One of the biggest challenges in responsive web design (RWD) is presenting tabular data. Large tables with lots of columns don't fit on smaller screens and there isn't a simple way to re-format the table content with CSS and media queries for an acceptable presentation. To address this, the framework offers two different options for presenting tables responsively. Each has benefits and tradeoffs, the right choice will depend on the data being presented.

Reflow mode - Re-formats the table columns at narrow widths so each row of data is presented as a formatted block of label/data pairs. This is ideal for tables with product or contact information with more complex or lengthy data formatting that doesn't need comparison across rows of data.

Column toggle mode - Selectively hides columns at narrower widths as a sensible default but also offers a menu to let users manually control which columns they want to see. This mode is better for financial data tables that have compact values and need to maintain comparisons across columns and rows of data. It can also be used for building things like product comparison tables.

The responsive table feature is built with a core table plugin (table.js) that initializes when the data-role="table" attribute is added to the markup. This plugin is very lightweight and adds ui-table class, parses the table headers and generates information on the columns of data, and fires a tablecreate event. Both the table modes, reflow and column toggle, are written as extensions to the table widget that hook in via the create event to add the additional behaviors that make the tables responsive. Reflow is the default mode so if the extension is present, it will be applied automatically if the data-role="table" attribute is on the table.

The responsive table plugin is as minimally styled as possible to give you a clean slate for your designs. The plugin focuses primarily on the difficult scripting elements: generating the labels for the reflow table and creating the button and column chooser popup. Out of the box, the table just has a few basic style rules to add a bit of padding and set the vertical alignment of cells to be top left for visual consistency.

The table will adapt to whatever content block it sits on, but there isn't an explicit theming attribute for this widget. We did this because it's simple enough to add theme classes like ui-body-a to individual cells if a more heavily themed look is wanted.

Dynatable is an incredibly powerful and in-depth table plugin that, among other things, creates tables with powerful features such as filtering, sorting and pagination. Dynatable is very developer focused, letting you control how the table is rendered, how filtering and searches will operate and overall provides you with a highly customizable solution. 006ab0faaa

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