www.john-paul.org.uk > teach > read (teacher education)
Here are some links to 'teacher education' research readings for the CCCU spotlight questions (help here). This resource is designed for school-based mentors and university based teacher educators, and we acknowledge that terminology is sometimes contested in this field (see for example, Bullough, 2005).
These are just a few suggestions to get you started in your reading. All the suggestions are peer-reviewed journal articles or eBooks we hope you can access (as a CCCU student, mentor or member of staff). For advice on sources please click here and see '1. Sources'. For some suggestions about policy reading please click here and see 'teach' > 'education policy'. For John-Paul's writing please click here.
Perhaps try searching for some of these readings on Google Scholar, then click 'cited by' to see papers and books that have cited these ones, written even more recently. Try clicking the inverted commas in Google Scholar and then 'RefWorks' (click here for a video explaining how to use RefWorks).
Please click here to make suggestions or comments about this page.
1. Who are we as 'teacher educators'?
Andreasen, J. K., Bjørndal, C. R., & Kovač, V. B. (2019). Being a teacher and teacher educator: The antecedents of teacher educator identity among mentor teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 85, 281-291.
Brown, T., Rowley, H., & Smith, K. (2015). The beginnings of school led teacher training: New challenges for university teacher education. School Direct Research Project Final Report. Manchester: Manchester Metropolitan University.
Bullough Jr, R. V. (2005). Being and becoming a mentor: School-based teacher educators and teacher educator identity. Teaching and teacher education, 21(2), 143-155.
Compton, A., Crawley, J., Curtis, F., Douglas, A. S., Eaude, T., Jackson, A., Philpott, C., Plater, M., Powell, D., Sewell, A. and Vincent, K. (2019) What are the Characteristics of a professional teacher educator? A think piece. Teacher Education Advancement Network Journal. University of Cumbria, 11(2) pp. 3-11.
Livingston, K. (2014) Teacher Educators: hidden professionals? European Journal of Education, 49(2), pp. 218-232.
2. How do we learn to educate teachers?
Ball, D. L. (2000). Bridging practices: Intertwining content and pedagogy in teaching and learning to teach. Journal of teacher education, 51(3), 241-247.
Berry, A. and Forgasz, R. (2018) 'Disseminating Secret-Story-Knowledge through the Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices', Studying teacher education, 14(3), pp. 235-245.
Bullock, S. M. (2009) Learning to think like a teacher educator: making the substantive and syntactic structures of teaching explicit through self-study, Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, 15(2), pp. 291-304.
Dinkelman, T., Margolis, J., & Sikkenga, K. (2006). From teacher to teacher educator: Experiences, expectations, and expatriation. Studying teacher education, 2(1), 5-23.
Menter, I. (2016) 'Teacher education - Making connections with curriculum, pedagogy and assessment', in Wyse, D., Hayward, L., & Pandya, J. (Eds.) The SAGE handbook of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. London: Sage, pp. 1015-1028.
Van der Klink, M., Kools, Q., Avissar, G., White, S. and Sakata, T. (2017) 'Professional development of teacher educators: what do they do? Findings from an explorative international study', Professional Development in Education, 43(2), pp. 163-178.
3. What is a teacher educator?
Darling-Hammond, L. (2006). Constructing 21st-century teacher education. Journal of teacher education, 57(3), 300-314.
Czerniawski, G., Guberman, A. and MacPhail, A. (2017) 'The professional developmental needs of higher education-based teacher educators: an international comparative needs analysis', European Journal of Teacher Education, 40(1), pp. 127-140.
Grimmett, H., Forgasz, R., Williams, J., & White, S. (2018). Reimagining the role of mentor teachers in professional experience: Moving to I as fellow teacher educator. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 46(4), 340-353.
Hobson, A. J., Ashby, P., Malderez, A., & Tomlinson, P. D. (2009). Mentoring beginning teachers: What we know and what we don't. Teaching and teacher education, 25(1), 207-216.
Loughran, J. and Menter, I. (2019) 'The essence of being a teacher educator and why it matters', Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education: Teaching Teachers: What [Should] Teacher Educators "Know" and "Do" and How and Why it Matters, 47(3), pp. 216-229.
Rowan, L., Brownlee, J.L. and Ryan, M. (2019) 'Teaching teachers: what [should] teacher educators "know" and "do" and how and why it matters', Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 47(3), pp. 210-215.
Tack, J. and Vanderlinde, R. (2019) Capturing the relations between teacher educators’ opportunities for professional growth, work pressure, work related basic needs satisfaction, and teacher educators’ researcherly disposition, European Journal of Teacher Education, 42(4), pp. 459-477.
4. What is teacher education?
Brown, T., Rowley, H., & Smith, K. (2014). Rethinking research in teacher education. British Journal of Educational Studies, 62(3), 281-296.
Czerniawski, G. (2018) Teacher Educators in the Twenty-First Century. St Albans: Critical Publishing Ltd.
International Forum for Teacher Educator Development (2019) The Importance of Teacher Educators: Professional development imperatives White Paper. Accessed at: https://info-ted.eu/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/InFo-TED-White-Paper.pdf (Accessed: 16 November 2020).
Mansfield, J. and Loughran, J. (2018) 'Pedagogical Equilibrium as a Lens for Understanding Teaching about Teaching', Studying teacher education, 14(3), pp. 246-257.
Menter, I., Hulme, M., Elliot, D., and Lewin, J. (2010). Literature review on teacher education in the 21st century. Glasgow: University of Glasgow.
Stephens, P., Egil tønnessen, F., & Kyriacou, C. (2004). Teacher training and teacher education in England and Norway: a comparative study of policy goals. Comparative education, 40(1), 109-130.
5. How do people learn to teach?
Baumfield, V. (2015). 'Practitioner research: Understanding teaching through inquiry' in Wyse, D., Hayward, L., & Pandya, J. (Eds.) The SAGE handbook of curriculum, pedagogy and assessment. London: Sage, pp. 154-168.
Evans, L. (2019) 'Implicit and informal professional development: what it ‘looks like’, how it occurs, and why we need to research it', Professional Development in Education, 45(1), pp. 3-16.
Feiman-Nemser, S. (2001). Helping novices learn to teach: Lessons from an exemplary support teacher. Journal of teacher education, 52(1), 17-30.
Loughran, J. (2019) 'Pedagogical reasoning: the foundation of the professional knowledge of teaching', Teachers and teaching, theory and practice, 25(5), pp. 523-535.
Mena, J., Hennissen, P., & Loughran, J. (2017). Developing pre-service teachers' professional knowledge of teaching: The influence of mentoring. Teaching and teacher education, 66, 47-59.
6. What does inclusion in teacher education mean?
Engelbrecht, P. (2013). Teacher education for inclusion, international perspectives. European Journal of Special Needs Education, 28(2), 115-118.
Forlin, C. (Ed.). (2010). Teacher education for inclusion: Changing paradigms and innovative approaches. Routledge. [eBook requested 28/6/21. Currently available in the library at 371.102 TEA]
Symeonidou, S. (2017). Initial teacher education for inclusion: a review of the literature. Disability & society, 32(3), 401-422.
7. How do you plan and assess for learning in teacher education?
Bannink, A. (2009). How to capture growth? – Video narratives as an instrument for assessment in teacher education. Teaching and teacher education, 25(2), 244-250.
König, J., Bremerich-Vos, A., Buchholtz, C., Fladung, I., & Glutsch, N. (2020). Pre–service teachers’ generic and subject-specific lesson-planning skills: On learning adaptive teaching during initial teacher education. European Journal of Teacher Education, 43(2), 131-150.
Smith K. (2016) 'Functions of Assessment in Teacher Education', in Loughran J., Hamilton M. (eds.) International Handbook of Teacher Education. Singapore, Springer, pp. 405-428. [No eBook or Library copy available! eBook and paper copy requested 28/6/21]
8. What is a 'broad and balanced' teacher education curriculum?
Bouckaert, M. and Kools, Q. (2018) 'Teacher educators as curriculum developers: exploration of a professional role', European Journal of Teacher Education, 41(1), pp. 32-49.
Darling-Hammond, L. (2017). Teacher education around the world: What can we learn from international practice?. European journal of teacher education, 40(3), 291-309.
Flores, M. A. (2016). 'Teacher education curriculum', in Loughran J., Hamilton M. (eds.) International Handbook of Teacher Education. Singapore, Springer, pp. 187-230. [No eBook or Library copy available! eBook and paper copy requested 28/6/21]
Toom, A., Kynäslahti, H., Krokfors, L., Jyrhämä, R., Byman, R., Stenberg, K., Maaranen, K. & Kansanen, P. (2010). Experiences of a Research‐based Approach to Teacher Education: suggestions for future policies. European Journal of Education, 45(2), 331-344.
9. How do you lead learning in the field of teacher education?
Ross, D., Adams, A., Bondy, E., Dana, N., Dodman, S., & Swain, C. (2011). Preparing teacher leaders: Perceptions of the impact of a cohort-based, job embedded, blended teacher leadership program. Teaching and Teacher Education, 27(8), 1213-1222.
Sinha, S., & Hanuscin, D. L. (2017). Development of teacher leadership identity: A multiple case study. Teaching and Teacher Education, 63, 356-371.
Supermane, S., Tahir, L. M., & Aris, M. (2018). Transformational leadership in teacher education. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(3) pp. 267-275.
10. What is the 'impact' of teacher education?
Brouwer, N., & Korthagen, F. (2005). Can teacher education make a difference?. American Educational Research Journal, 42(1), 153-224.
Kunter, M., Klusmann, U., Baumert, J., Richter, D., Voss, T., & Hachfeld, A. (2013). Professional competence of teachers: Effects on instructional quality and student development. Journal of educational psychology, 105(3), 805. [Full text available on ResearchGate here]
Korthagen, F. A. (2010). How teacher education can make a difference. Journal of education for teaching, 36(4), 407-423.
Please help us diversify this reading list. Perhaps consider reading a bit of Bird and Pitman (2020) about why diversifying readings lists in universities and schools is important. If you'd like to suggest an addition, or change, to any of my reading lists, please either email me or fill in this form. Thanks.
This page was written by Karen Vincent and John-Paul Riordan with staff who work in Initial Teacher Education at CCCU and in our partnership schools in mind but we hope it may be useful to others too. We are not experts in all these areas of literature, and acknowledge that this list is idiosyncratic. Each list has a minimum of three works as we think that might be enough to help you find what you need. If you find something others might find useful, or more useful that the reading here, please let us know so we can add it to this list.
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