
It's getting hot in here...

+0.85 C in 2021, relative to 1951-1980 average temperature.

... and it's gonna get much worse.

Current climate commitments leave the world on track for a temperature rise of at least 2.7°C by 2100

That means total disaster. Nova SBE in Carcavelos will likely be underwater.

What can we do?

From pleasure to pain:

  1. Install rooftop solar PV and even make some money. See for optimal installation sizes around the world, estimated by Finance students at Nova SBE.

  2. Vote for a party that really cares.

  3. Eat less meat, fly less, drive less, waste less, etc.

The image in the header of this page is the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field. The image is approximately 1% of the area of the moon as viewed from Earth, but still there are more than 5000 galaxies in just this tiny part of the sky. You can actually hear how far away they are!