This topic from ImageMagick forum explains that there is no support for JPEG lossless operations in ImageMagick (whenever this changes, please post a comment with a link!), and suggests using jpegtran (from libjpeg):

Then I go and check the images one by one in Darktable, ignoring the jpeg, I only show raw. However, when I remove the image I would like to remove the jpeg as well, but only removes the raw. Is there a way to remove both when showing only raw? Or do I have to show jpeg+raw and select both of them?

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Any idea on how to fix this? The information is clearly there in some form, as when I view the photos with Windows Photo Viewer, the complete image is briefly shown for a fraction of a second while windows is generating the preview.

For repairing damaged JPEG images see this thread : Corrupt jpegs, thumbnail extracted....

It recommends quite a few such tools, as well as thumbnail extraction tools.

ExifTool looks especially good.

Back in the day, I shot lots of images using raw+jpeg and imported them into Lightroom. Now I realize those jpegs add no value and I'd like to recover the disk space that they're collectively occupying.

They should all be in Previous Import. What you do at this point depends on how certain you are that the newly imported photos are just the raw+jpeg JPEGs. You might select all and delete them, or you might choose to mark them with a colour label so you can skim through All Photographs and double check before deleting.

First, thanks very much for taking the time to answer my question. The approach you're suggesting should (hopefully) work but it's one heck of a hack so I'm a bit reluctant to do it. I need to be 100% confident that I won't be accidentally erasing any jpegs for which there are no corresponding raw files (I have some jpegs without raws from cameras which can't shoot raw). The thing that gets me is that LR already allows you to search for images based on file type, (but not raw+jpeg today). It seems that it would be a useful feature to be able to search for raw+jpeg and then filter out raw (or jpeg) from the selection so that you could erase / process / do whatever you need with the selection. Maybe something for LR5?

*** NOTE: This procedure would NOT work for me, since it would include jpegs edited externally and given same base name as source, to avoid problems with published copies... But if you don't do that, it might work: do this kinda thing with caution and at your own risk.......

It has no direct access to the database, so what it does is check for jpegs with same base name as raw (which *must* be present in catalog, and on disk), that aren't in the catalog, which includes the jpegs associated with RAW+JPEG (imported as a unit), *and* any jpegs that were imported separately, but subsequently removed from the catalog, or had never been imported.

So, what it does will be the perfect thing to do, *if* you first synchronize folders (with 'Treat JPEG files next to raw files separately' checked) to pull any jpegs in to the catalog that were previously imported separately, but may have been inadvertently removed from the catalog (or had never been imported), before invoking the delete feature of the plugin.

In my opinion, the plugin-assisted method is much safer than the manual method, which is the only reason it was written, *not* to save steps, although it does that too. For example, you can not, with the plugin, delete any jpegs that do not have a corresponding RAW in the catalog and on disk, period. - unless there is a bug of course, but there probably isn't , at least not one that would change the aforementioned assertion... - it wouldn't take much of a bug to cause it to barf, but it would take a big bug to cause it to delete files that weren't on the list, etc...

PS - there is *very* little recorded in the database about the jpeg sidecar - it's existence upon import (when "as a unit") - that's about it. Most of the funny business about updating that we were fumbling with above, stems from the software (and the person at the keyboard), *not* the database. Syncing folders with 'Treat JPEG files next to raw files separately' checked, once the jpeg sidecars have been cleaned up, *will* set the database straight!

Note: Deleting the unwanted jpegs from inside Lr, via RawPlusJpeg, is equivalent to deleting them from outside Lr, since the jpegs to be deleted are not in the catalog. Put another way: if they are not in the catalog, whether a plugin deletes them or OS - same difference.

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I just had this same issue. I chose to do a reset of a Lenovo mini and mouse and keyboard wouldn't work at the set up portion. Works in Bios though. 

Anyway, the solution for me was to install windows from a USB drive.

I have the same issue with a Lenovo Tiny M70. I went to do a new install of Windows 10, which was previously installed and worked fine. (I moved its 1TB SSD to another Lenovo and was trying to use a smaller, spare SSD). I cannot get the computer to recognized either the mouse or the keyboard. Both work fine in Bios. Since I can't initiate windows, I am locked out, unable to see or change drivers, exactly as shown in the photo in a prior post, and the PC is basically a brick... Any suggestions other than what is set forth int he posts above? I have tried it all. 

I am thinking about cloning a drive from one of my other M70s and installing it.

After cloning a drive and it failing, claiming disk errors, I just tossed the Lenovo Tiny and ordered a refurbished unit for $180. 

I am sure the problem is solvable, but I've wasted too much time and energy on it. 

I tried a clean windows install on a new SSD, clearing Bios Cache, updating Bios, every possible Bios configuration, different mouse and keyboard...

The keyboard and mouse are recognized in Bios, or when windows detects an error while loading and goes into repair mode, but once windows starts, no keyboard or mouse. 

Very frustrating-but that Lenovo Tiny is now in the scrap pile.

I had same problem. My System LenovoM91p. I tried to reset my windows 10. when its booting, my mouse and keyboard working fine in bios settings, but when its trying to install Windows 10. On first screen, i dont have access to keyboard and mouse. Any suggestions?

Change History: Written, 20 September 2012 from previous FSC_ZImage program. DWF. Modernized the info structure handling to reflect modern sensibilities. 3 Oct 2012. DWF. Changes to allow this to work with very large images. Can now zoom to actual pixel values. Also fixed a problem that left zoom windows lying around unused if scroll bars were needed. 18 October 2012. DWF. The color palette was not always being included when images were zoomed. Fixed. 17 Nov 2012. DWF. Added ZoomFactor keyword to allow the zoom factor to be set on start-up. 28 Nov 2012. DWF. Fixed a typo that caused bringing controls into the window to fail. 13 Jan 2014. DWF.

I would like to separate my "raw+jpeg" files in Lightroom and although I checked the "Treat jpeg files next to raw files as separate photos" in the preferences, this does not unstack those files which have already been imported together. Is there any way to separate them without removing them from the library and reimporting with the option checked?

If I do have to remove them, is there a way to find all the raw+jpeg entries and remove just those, then reimport? A text search in my catalog for "raw+jpeg" in "any searchable field" returned no results.

Basically in the beginning of my digital days I was shooting raw+jpeg just because "why not?", and now I want to get rid of the jpeg files without deleting the raw. So if I could use any software even externally to look for the same file name in the same folder with different extension, then just delete the jpegs that would be fine I guess. I cannot just delete all the jpegs, because sometimes I shot only jpeg and would not want to delete those pictures, only the ones with raw files next to them.

Thanks. I tried your suggestion and set a purple label for all the jpegs, but after viewing all file types and sorting by time, the "nef+jpeg"s still showed up stacked (and unlabeled), and not as separate files. Hence if I deleted them, the raw files would go too, and I don't want that.

Interestingly, when I open a folder in Bridge in which accoring to Lightroom there are "nef+jpeg" files, the jpeg files do not even appear to be there, I only see nef files. I remember I did a cleaning in Bridge once where I manually deleted all the jpeg files that had raw files directly next to them, but since I saw "nef+jpeg" in lightroom, I thought I did not get some of them. So they might be gone already, in which case I do not understand why lightroom marks them as "nef+jpeg".

-darkroom-forum/00Se2U and synchronizing the folder fixed the nef+jpeg "tags", so apparently many jpegs were not even there. Now I'll just have to check if I left any unwanted jpegs, but that will be easy: if I find any "nef+jpeg" remaining, I'll just go to the folder in Bridge and delete those, then synchronize in Lightroom again.


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