Like all good life advice, it\u2019s obvious. Of course you can\u2019t choose everything \u2014 that\u2019s the opposite of choosing, dummy. It\u2019s obvious until you\u2019re in your late 20s and realize shit, I\u2019m trying to date and socialize and meditate and read, like, intellectual books and get promoted and go camping and become really good at pickleball for some reason and a million other things, giving you enough time for none of them. It\u2019s obvious advice, until you realize somehow you\u2019re not following it.

Posts: 385

From: the Netherlands

Registered: Aug 2000posted 09-23-2008 10:30 AM Well I think the main reason was Shepard getting the command of Apollo 13 which he being backup commander of Apollo 10 was hoping and I think expecting to get.Mark

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Posts: 1505

From: Bluffton IN USA

Registered: Oct 2007posted 09-23-2008 10:46 AM I think the "disagreement" was basically over Cooper NOT getting assigned as CDR of Apollo 13, as he expected after serving as Apollo 10 backup CDR. For a number of reasons, Slayton decided early on to give the assignment to somebody else. He had discussions with Jim McDivitt about flying 13 until Al Shepard became available. He submitted Shepard as Apollo 13 CDR, which was rejected by the higher-ups due to Al's relative lack of training experience. Then Slayton switched the Apollo 14 and 13 crews, with Shepard as CDR of Apollo 14. That allowed him more time to train, and was accepted.I think Slayton's main issues with Cooper were his training ethic and attitude. He was a super pilot, but kind of a "kick the tires and go" kind of guy. The straw that apparently broke the camel's back was Slayton forbidding Cooper to race in the Daytona 500 only weeks before Apollo 10, and Cooper making some snarky public comment about allowing astronauts to only play "tiddly winks."IMO Slayton only used Gordo as backup CDR of Apollo 10 simply because there wasn't anyone else available. Schirra was retiring after Apollo 7, Eisele wasn't considered command material (he normally would have rotated into that slot after flying as Apollo 7 CMP, according to Deke's system), and the entire Apollo 7 crew was black-balled by Chris Kraft anyway. Everyone else was involved with training for Apollos 8 & 9, in addition to the Apollo 10 prime crew. Thus Cooper was really the only choice available, but I'd be willing to bet Slayton was inclined to replace him with someone else after Apollo 10 from the get-go.

The mother of Marla Cooper, the woman claiming to be the niece of D.B. Cooper, also believes that her brother-in-law is the infamous skyjacker, and has provided further details about the man who could be the daring culprit in the decades-old case. Marla Cooper recently came forward to the FBI with evidence that she believes proves that her uncle Lynn Doyle Cooper is the famed D.B. Cooper, the man hijacked and threatened to blow up a commercial plane flying to Seattle in 1971, then parachuted to the ground with $200,000 in hand. Her mother, Grace Hailey, told ABC News that she doesn't remember much about that Thanksgiving in 1971 where her brother-in-law returned to the house in Sisters, Oregon, but she believes he could be the hijacker. Hailey's statements are one reason why the FBI thinks the tip from Marla Cooper is credible.

She says that the family saw L.D. the following Christmas in 1972, after his hospital stay -- which was when the picture she provided to the FBI and to ABC News was taken. After this her uncle quickly faded from their lives. One key reason she is convinced that her uncle was D.B. Cooper is his sudden disappearance from the family after that Thanksgiving. \"I definitely think it was strange that he kind of disappeared like that,\" she said, adding that she does not think he was a bad man. \"I don't think he was evil, and I think he regretted it.\" He worked with leather and made the guitar strap that she has turned over to the FBI. The FBI is now searching the guitar strap they received for fingerprints at their forensic lab in Quantico, Va., which will be checked against partial fingerprints obtained from the hijacking. Meanwhile they are hunting for evidence to prove L.D. Cooper was on that plane in 1971.

It has the purpose of revealing to the watcher that humans have built space stations with weird gravity and biospheres, thanks to coopers message about gravity's quantum laws, and so make him seem heroic, which is a positive turn for the movie.

Please note that Irwin S. Chanin was of Jewish heritage, not Ukrainian. With the way Jews were treated across Eastern Europe in the time of his ancestors (i.e. pogroms) - there is a reason why his parents immigrated to the United States. While Putin's war in Ukraine must be condemned, please don't exercise erasure of Jewish ancestry and history in that region.

tag_hash_107Fully agree with the author. To stay away from this topic now, referring to the fact that architecture is above politics - this is exactly the way to support the propaganda of the regime. It is for the same reason that after the annexation of the Crimea in 2014, Norman Foster, closing his eyes, took up projects in the Crimea and russia.

Interestingly, the State Department actively promoted Abstract Expressionism for exactly this reason, because it represented liberty in the face of Communist and Fascist oppression. -modern-art-really-a-cia-psy-op/

Really, the show belongs to a narrow audience, the architectural/academic community, who should be equipped to take a fuller, reasonable view, but again, who knows? And there is so much in the show worth discussing now, of great relevance to the issues that confront us all.

The author is a duplicitous hack, and the highlighted opening is one reason why. How can one exist in western critical thinking circles, write the above and not laugh at these two statements? How? You can do that if you're a hack for a neo-lib/capitalist imperialist system that's how. The audacity to write about war crimes in a western centered publication without acknowledging the atrocities committed on a daily basis by this country and it's NATO pigeons on its face the height of hypocrisy. But that's what these rogue puppets do; call out the behavior that their own side is guilty of committing. Mouthpiece.

Or maybe he has been corrupted in some way. We just don't know, but you don't see it in his work or his public statements. For myself, I have to leave this question in brackets. Many prominent Russians are quite vocal in their nationalist and Slavophile views, however, who support Putin. Filmmaker Nikita Mikhalkov, a close friend, comes to mind. There's no reason for them not to be, not in Russia. This doesn't seem to be the case with Bokov at all (I'm not going to check all Russian sources).

Mies van der Rohe was thoroughly German and a committed modernist. In 1929, with his reputation and work like the Barcelona Pavilion, he had good reason to believe he might help shape the architecture and character of a new Germany. He wanted to stay, and did remain some ten years after, maybe waiting to see if the political environment would shift. It didn't.

Cubism aims to destroy by designed disorder.

Futurism aims to destroy by the machine myth.

Dadaism aims to destroy by ridicule.

Expressionism aims to destroy by aping the primitive and insane.

Abstractionism aims to destroy by the creation of brainstorms.

Surrealism aims to destroy by denial of reason.

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