My friend and I are in disagreement about Cooper and Mann. Was Mann only going to kill Cooper and take the rest of the crew to Edmund's planet? (Neither of us believe Mann was going to go back to Earth) If Cooper wasn't returning to Earth would Mann have come clean and take everyone to Edmund's planet all together?

The reason why all these Tesseract actions by Cooper and TARS happen back on Earth, and specifically in the past, is because time in the Tesseract is a physical dimension that can travel in multiple directions and gravity can travel on that dimension just like we travel on x y z in any direction. We can travel in either negative or positive x y z.

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I'm an Australian high school student (Grade 12). We are currently covering superconductors as a topic for our syllabus. Can someone explain (inasmuch as an advanced 18-year-old physics student can understand) why Cooper pairs of electrons (as per the BCS theory) only form in pairs? As I understand it, Cooper pairs form between 2 electrons with opposite spin due to a "phonon exchange", wherein the first electron passing through the metallic lattice induces a distortion of the lattice and hence the creation of a region of higher positive charge density behind it, attracting the second electron with opposite spin (we don't need to know why an opposite spin is required). However, if this second electron also passes through the lattice, and hence creates a region of higher positive charge density behind it, why does it not thence attract another electron and so on? In other words, why do Cooper Pairs form and not Cooper chains? Thanks for your help in advance. *Note: I don't mind what level of understanding your reply requires, I will just try my best to understand more complicated ideas. Thanks

In superconductivity, two electrons team up to build a Cooper pair. The spin of the cooper pair can be 0 or 1. It therefore behaves rather like a boson than like a fermion. This is a key ingredient to superconductivity because now, the Cooper pairs can occupy the same macroscopic quantum state!

But already at the level of 2 electrons, the formation of Cooper pairs by the mechanism you present is a delicate business that only works at very low temperatures. The probability of 4 four electrons meeting at just the right spot with just the right momentum will be much smaller for sure. While at the same time, the energy barrier to destroy this team of 4 and break it into 2 pairs of 2 will be very low.

Although there are many kinds of cancer, only a few occur frequently (Table 15.1). More than a million cases of cancer are diagnosed annually in the United States, and more than 500,000 Americans die of cancer each year. Cancers of 10 different body sites account for more than 75% of this total cancer incidence. The four most common cancers, accounting for more than half of all cancer cases, are those of the breast, prostate, lung, and colon/rectum. Lung cancer, by far the most lethal, is responsible for nearly 30% of all cancer deaths.

One of the fundamental features of cancer is tumor clonality, the development of tumors from single cells that begin to proliferate abnormally. The single-cell origin of many tumors has been demonstrated by analysis of X chromosome inactivation (Figure 15.2). As discussed in Chapter 8, one member of the X chromosome pair is inactivated by being converted to heterochromatin in female cells. X inactivation occurs randomly during embryonic development, so one X chromosome is inactivated in some cells, while the other X chromosome is inactivated in other cells. Thus, if a female is heterozygous for an X chromosome gene, different alleles will be expressed in different cells. Normal tissues are composed of mixtures of cells with different inactive X chromosomes, so expression of both alleles is detected in normal tissues of heterozygous females. In contrast, tumor tissues generally express only one allele of a heterozygous X chromosome gene. The implication is that all of the cells constituting such a tumor were derived from a single cell of origin, in which the pattern of X inactivation was fixed before the tumor began to develop.

In addition to chemicals and radiation, some viruses induce cancer both in experimental animals and in humans. The common human cancers caused by viruses include liver cancer and cervical carcinoma, which together account for 10 to 20% of worldwide cancer incidence. These viruses are important not only as causes of human cancer; as discussed later in this chapter, studies of tumor viruses have played a key role in elucidating the molecular events responsible for the development of cancers induced by both viral and nonviral carcinogens.

A striking difference in the cell-cell interactions displayed by normal cells and those of cancer cells is illustrated by the phenomenon of contact inhibition (Figure 15.10). Normal fibroblasts migrate across the surface of a culture dish until they make contact with a neighboring cell. Further cell migration is then inhibited, and normal cells adhere to each other, forming an orderly array of cells on the culture dish surface. Tumor cells, in contrast, continue moving after contact with their neighbors, migrating over adjacent cells, and growing in disordered, multilayered patterns. Not only the movement but also the proliferation of many normal cells is inhibited by cell-cell contact, and cancer cells are characteristically insensitive to such contact inhibition of growth.

Two additional properties of cancer cells affect their interactions with other tissue components, thereby playing important roles in invasion and metastasis. First, malignant cells generally secrete proteases that digest extracellular matrix components, allowing the cancer cells to invade adjacent normal tissues. Secretion of collagenase, for example, appears to be an important determinant of the ability of carcinomas to digest and penetrate through basal laminae to invade underlying connective tissue (see Figure 15.5). Second, cancer cells secrete growth factors that promote the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis). Angiogenesis is needed to support the growth of a tumor beyond the size of about a million cells, at which point new blood vessels are required to supply oxygen and nutrients to the proliferating tumor cells. Such blood vessels are formed in response to growth factors, secreted by the tumor cells, that stimulate proliferation of endothelial cells in the walls of capillaries in surrounding tissue, resulting in the outgrowth of new capillaries into the tumor. The formation of such new blood vessels is important not only in supporting tumor growth, but also in metastasis. The actively growing new capillaries formed in response to angiogenic stimulation are easily penetrated by the tumor cells, providing a ready opportunity for cancer cells to enter the circulatory system and begin the metastatic process.

Another general characteristic of most cancer cells is that they fail to differentiate normally. Such defective differentiation is closely coupled to abnormal proliferation, since, as discussed in Chapter 14, most fully differentiated cells either cease cell division or divide only rarely. Rather than carrying out their normal differentiation program, cancer cells are usually blocked at an early stage of differentiation, consistent with their continued active proliferation.

As discussed in Chapter 13, programmed cell death, or apoptosis, is an integral part of the differentiation program of many cell types, including blood cells. Many cancer cells fail to undergo apoptosis, and therefore exhibit increased life spans compared to their normal counterparts. This failure of cancer cells to undergo programmed cell death contributes substantially to tumor development. For example, the survival of many normal cells is dependent on signals from growth factors or from the extracellular matrix that prevent apoptosis. In contrast, tumor cells are often able to survive in the absence of growth factors required by their normal counterparts. Such a failure of tumor cells to undergo apoptosis when deprived of normal environmental signals may be important not only in primary tumor development but also in the survival and growth of metastatic cells in abnormal tissue sites. Normal cells also undergo apoptosis following DNA damage, while many cancer cells fail to do so. In this case, the failure to undergo apoptosis contributes to the resistance of cancer cells to irradiation and many chemotherapeutic drugs, which act by damaging DNA. Abnormal cell survival, as well as cell proliferation, thus plays a major role in the unrelenting growth of cancer cells in an animal.

For 45 years after the hijacking, the Federal Bureau of Investigation maintained an active investigation and built an extensive case file, but ultimately did not reach any definitive conclusions. The crime remains the only unsolved case of air piracy in the history of commercial aviation. The FBI speculates Cooper did not survive his jump, for several reasons: the inclement weather on the night of the hijacking, Cooper's unsuitable clothing and lack of proper skydiving equipment, the heavily wooded area into which he jumped, his apparent lack of detailed knowledge of his landing area, and the disappearance of the remaining ransom money, suggesting it was never spent. In July 2016, the FBI officially suspended active investigation of the NORJAK (Northwest hijacking) case, although reporters, enthusiasts, professional investigators, and amateur sleuths continue to pursue numerous theories for Cooper's identity, success, and fate.

During the flight from Portland to Seattle, Cooper demanded that Mucklow remain by his side at all times.[25] She later said that he appeared familiar with the local terrain; while looking out the window, he remarked, "Looks like Tacoma down there", as the aircraft flew above it. He also correctly noted McChord Air Force Base was only a 20-minute drive from Sea-Tac Airport.[26] She later described the hijacker's demeanor: "[Cooper] was not nervous. He seemed rather nice and he was not cruel or nasty."[27] be457b7860

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