Professional activities - Jozsef Zoltan Farkas

LMS Women in Mathematics Day 2022 September University of Stirling

Infectious Disease Reports an open access journal editorial board member

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health an open access journal Infectious Disease Epidemiology section editorial board member

Stirling Computational Math Day , 21 August 2019, University of Stirling

Edinburgh Mathematical Society, General Secretary, 10/2013-10/2017

Edinburgh Mathematical Society, General Committee member, 10/2007-09/2010, 10/2011-10/2013, 10/2020-10/2022

European COST action IC 1304 "ACROSS", management committee member/substitute, 2013-2017

FP7-People-2013-IXF, Mathematics and Engineering, expert evaluator and panel member

Horizon 2020-MSCA Individual Fellowships, Mathematics and Engineering, expert evaluator/panel member

Horizon 2020-MSCA RISE program, Mathematics/Physics expert/panel member

Horizon 2020-WIDESPREAD ERA Chairs

James Clerk Maxwell AIMS Fund management committee member, 08/2012-08/2014

Editorial Board member, Journal of Biological Dynamics, 2011-

Editorial Board member, BIOMATH Journal, 2012-2015

Reviewed for over 40 different journals in mathematics, applied mathematics, mathematical biology, computer science, life sciences.

Reviewed for the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)

Reviewed for the National Science Foundation of Hungary (OTKA)

Reviewed for the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)

Reviewed for MathSciNet (reviewed around 40 papers and books to date)

Co-organizer of the 2nd joint meeting of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society and the Societat Catalana de Mathematiques, 27-29 September 2017, ICMS

Organizer of the special session "Wolbachia dynamics in mosquito species " and co-organizer of the special session "Operators in Biology" at the European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology, 11-15 July 2016, University of Nottingham, UK.

Organizing committee member and session co-organizer of the first joint meeting of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society and the Societat Catalana de Mathematiques, 28-30 May 2015, Barcelona

Co-organizer of the 2nd Scottish Partial Differential Equation Colloquium, 15-16 May 2014, ICMS, UK

Co-organizer of the special session "Transport processes in biology: Modelling and analysis" at the 10th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, 7-11 July 2014, Madrid, Spain

Infinite Dimensional Dynamical Systems in the Applied Sciences workshop, 13-14 December 2013, University of Stirling, co-organizer

International Steering Committee member, International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2013-2015

Co-organizer of the symposium "Evolution Equations and Mathematical Biology" at the 8th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, 25-28 May 2010, Dresden, Germany

Scientific Committee Member, International Conference of Mathematical Sciences, 4-10 August 2009, Istanbul, Turkey

Participant in the American Institute of Mathematics SQuaRE, “Wolbachia infections in mosquitos carrying West Nile virus”, 2014/2015/2016

External Examiner of the Mathematics BSc programs at the University of Strathclyde, 2014-2018

Acquired accreditation from the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications for BSc Mathematics and its Applications program, 2012/2013-2017/2018; and for BSc Mathematics and Applied Mathematics programs for 2017/2018-2022/2023 intake at the University of Stirling.

Member of the Court of the University of Stirling, 09/2013-08/2015

Member of the Academic Council of the University of Stirling, 09/2012-08/2015

Timetabling officer for Mathematics, University of Stirling, 2012-2015

Study abroad advisor for Mathematics, University of Stirling, 2007-2022

Seminar organizer, Mathematics, University of Stirling, 2007-2011

London Mathematical Society Good Practice Scheme contact, 2016-2022

Computing Science & Mathematics divisional equality champion, 2018-2022

Computational Mathematics & Optimisation research group leader, 2018-2022