Joy of Helping

Helping children in learning essential life skills


Our Vision

Our mission is to build creativity, confidence, thinking skills, linguistic skills and empathy towards environment in a child.


Learning to program

We as humans have a lot of potential in us. But it needs to unlocked at the right time. Before the program started our students were just mere consumers of mobile games. But now they have become creators of them.


Upcycling waste

Frequently we do activities like making planters using plastic bottles, sewing bags from old clothes, makings dustbins using cardboard and tins. 

Art and craft

We do drawing and small DIY craft activities to develop the creativity and originality in a child.

Public Speaking

The more you practice, more will be the improvement. We practice public speaking and try to tackle stage fear, speech delivery hesitation among our students.

Learning with experiments

We strongly believe that theoretical knowledge  is insufficient if it not accompanied with practicals. We encourage students to question more about the science behind the things we see in our day to day life.


Games and sports play an integral part in the development of a child. We always make time for a short game in our regular classes.

Become a volunteer

Lend a hand and bring smile