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Erdos nuber 3:  Jovanka Pantović-Joviša Žunić-Aleksandar Ivić 

                               Jovanka Pantović-Ratko Tošić-H. Joseph Straight


[C34] Andrea Karalić, Jovanka Pantović, Relational Characterization of Multilevel Threshold Functions. ISMVL 2024.  (M33)



Silvia Ghilezan, Jovanka Pantovic, Ivan Prokic, Alceste Scalas, Nobuko Yoshida: Precise Subtyping for Asynchronous Multiparty Sessions, ACM Transactions on Computational Logic (TOCL), Vol. 24, Issue 2, No. 14, 1-73.



Andrea Karalić, Jovanka Pantović, Hristina Suknjaja: Characteristic vectors of reversible functions with threshold components, ISMVL2022.



Marko Veličković, Đurđica Stojanović, Jovanka Pantović, Modelling the urban freight flows for impact assessment of the urban consolidation centres by using the origin-destination matrices, Transportation Research Procedia, Vol.52, 27-34.


Jovana Dedeić, Jovanka Pantović, Jorge A. Pérez: On Primitives for Compensartion Handling as Adaptable Processes, Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 121:200675. 


Silvia Ghilezan, Jovanka Pantovic, Ivan Prokic, Alceste Scalas, Nobuko Yoshida: Precise Subtyping for Asynchronous Multiparty Sessions. Proceedings ACM Programming Languages 5 (POPL): 1-28. 



[J35] - abstract

Ivan Prokic, Jovanka Pantovic, Hugo Torres Vieira: A calculus for modeling floating authorizations. Journal of Logical and  Algebraic  Methods in  Programming, 107: 136-174(2019) (M21)

[J34] - abstract

 Silvia Ghilezan, Svetlana Jakšić, Jovanka Pantović, Nobuko Yoshida, Alceste Scalas, Precise subtyping for synchronous multiparty sessions, Јournal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming, 104:  127-173 (2019). (M21)

[J33] - abstract

Ivan Prokić, Jovanka Pantović, Characterization of Generalized S-Threshold Functions by Nomura Parameters, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 33(3):  219-238 (2019). (M22)

[J32] - abstract

Hajime Machida, Jovanka Pantović, Closed sets of monomials in two variables generated by singletons, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 33(3): 271-290 (2019). (M22)


[J31] - abstract

Hajime Machida, Jovanka Pantovic: Monomial Clones Over Small Finite Fields, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 31(3): 271-286 (2018) (M22)

[C32] - abstract

Jovanka Pantovic, Ivan Prokic, Hugo Torres Vieira: A Calculus for Modeling Floating Authorizations. FORTE 2018: 101-120 (M33)

[C31] - abstract

Hajime Machida, Jovanka Pantovic: One Class of Maximal Binary Monomials. ISMVL 2018: 80-84 (M33)


[J30] - abstract

Svetlana Jaksic, Jovanka Pantovic, Silvia Ghilezan: Linked data privacy. Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 27(1): 33-53 (2017) (M22)

[C30] - abstract

Hajime Machida, Jovanka Pantovic: Three Classes of Closed Sets of Monomials. ISMVL 2017: 100-105 (M33)

[C29] - abstract

Ivan Prokic, Jovanka Pantovic: Nomura Parameters for S-Threshold Functions. ISMVL 2017: 248-253

[C28] - abstract

Jovana Dedeic, Jovanka Pantovic, Jorge A. Pérez: Efficient compensation handling via subjective updates. SAC 2017: 51-58


[J29] - abstract

Silvia Ghilezan, Svetlana Jaksic, Jovanka Pantovic, Jorge A. Pérez, Hugo Torres Vieira: Dynamic role authorization in multiparty conversations. Formal Aspects of Computing 28(4): 643-667 (2016) (M23)

[J28] - abstract

Jovanka Pantovic, Silvia Ghilezan, Jovisa D. Zunic: Encoding of Multi Level S-Threshold Functions. Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 26(1-2): 89-108 (2016) (M23)

[J27] - abstract

Paul L. Rosin, Jovanka Pantovic, Jovisa D. Zunic: Measuring linearity of curves in 2D and 3D. Pattern Recognition 49: 65-78 (2016) (M23)

[c27] - abstract

Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Silvia Ghilezan, Svetlana Jaksic, Jovanka Pantovic, Nobuko Yoshida: Denotational and Operational Preciseness of Subtyping: A Roadmap - Dedicated to Frank de Boer on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday. Theory and Practice of Formal Methods 2016: 155-172

[c26] - abstract

Hajime Machida, Jovanka Pantovic: Monomial Clones: Local Results and Global Properties. ISMVL 2016: 78-83


[J26] - abstract

Massimo Bartoletti, Ilaria Castellani, Pierre-Malo Deniélou, Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Silvia Ghilezan, Jovanka Pantovic, Jorge A. Pérez, Peter Thiemann, Bernardo Toninho, Hugo Torres Vieira: Combining behavioural types with security analysis. Journal of Logical and Algebraic  Methods in  Programming 84(6): 763-780 (2015) (M21)

[J25] - abstract - full paper

Paul L. Rosin, Jovanka Pantovic, Jovisa D. Zunic: Measuring Linearity of Connected Configurations of a Finite Number of 2D and 3D Curves. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 53(1): 1-11 (2015) (M21a)

[J24] - abstract

Jelena Colic, Hajime Machida, Jovanka Pantovic: Upward Saturated Hyperclones, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 24(1-4): 189-201 (2015) (M21)

[C25] - abstract - full paper

Jovana Dedeic, Jovanka Pantovic, Jorge A. Pérez: On Compensation Primitives as Adaptable Processes. EXPRESS/SOS 2015: 16-30

[C24] - abstract - full paper

Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Silvia Ghilezan, Svetlana Jaksic, Jovanka Pantovic, Nobuko Yoshida: Precise subtyping for synchronous multiparty sessions. PLACES 2015: 29-43

[C23] - abstract - full paper

Silvia Ghilezan, Svetlana Jaksic, Jovanka Pantovic, Jorge A. Pérez, Hugo Torres Vieira: A Typed Model for Dynamic Authorizations. PLACES 2015: 73-84


[J23] - abstract

Jelena Colic, Hajime Machida, Jovanka Pantovic: One-point Extension of the Algebra of Incompletely Specified Operations, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 22(1-2): 79-94 (M21a)

[J22] - full paper

Ghilezan, S.,Pantovic, J., Vojvodic, G., Binary relations and algebras on multisets, Publications de l'Institut Mathematique, 2014, 111--117.  (M23)

[C22] - abstract

Jovanka Pantovic, Silvia Ghilezan, Jovisa D. Zunic: On the Number of S-Threshold Functions on Not Necessarily Binary Input. ISMVL 2014: 13-18 (M21a)

[C21] - abstract - full paper

Silvia Ghilezan, Svetlana Jaksic, Jovanka Pantovic, Jorge A. Pérez, Hugo Torres Vieira: Dynamic Role Authorization in Multiparty Conversations. BEAT 2014: 1-8

[C20] - abstract - full paper

Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Luca Padovani, Jovanka Pantovic: Session Type Isomorphisms. PLACES 2014: 61-71


Jelena Čolić Oravec, Hajime Machida, Jovanka Pantović and Gradimir Vojvodić, From clones to hyperclones, Zbornik Radova 18(26), 111 - 144, 2015. (M14)



Machida, H., Pantovic. J., Galois connections arising in clone theory, Algebra and Computer Science, RIMS Kokyuroku 1873, 75-81.

[c19] - abstract

Jovisa D. Zunic, Jovanka Pantovic, Paul L. Rosin: Measuring Linearity of Planar Curves. ICPRAM (Selected Papers) 2013: 257-271


Jovisa D. Zunic, Jovanka Pantovic, Paul L. Rosin: Measuring Linearity of Curves. ICPRAM 2013: 388-395

[C17] - abstract

Jelena Colic, Hajime Machida, Jovanka Pantovic: On Hyper Co-Clones. ISMVL 2013: 182-185


Pantovic. J., Vojvodic, G., Hyperalgebras and hyperclones - different approaches, Workshop "Clone theory and discrete mathematics", RIMS Kokyuroku 1846, 2013, 80-86.



Hajime Machida, Jovanka Pantovic: Three Classes of Maximal Hyperclones. Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 18(2): 201-210 (2012) (M21a)


Hajime Machida, Jovanka Pantovic, Ivo G. Rosenberg: Regular Sets of Operations, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 19(1-3): 149-162 (2012) (M21a)


Ghilezan, S., Jaksic, S., Pantovic, J.,Dezani-Ciancaglini, M.,Types and roles for web security , Transactions on Advanced Research, Vol. 8, No.2, 2012, 16--21.


Paul L. Rosin, Jovanka Pantovic, Jovisa D. Zunic: Measuring Linearity of Closed Curves and Connected Compound Curves. ACCV (3) 2012: 310-321

[C14] - abstract

Jelena Colic, Hajime Machida, Jovanka Pantovic: Clones of Incompletely Specified Operations. ISMVL 2012: 256-261

[R] - book abstract

Mirjana Borisavljevic, Silvia Ghilezan, Predrag Janicic, Aleksandar Krapez, Milos Kurilic, Zarko Mijajlovic, Zoran Markovic, Zoran Ognjanovic, Jovanka Pantovic, Zoran Petric, Miomir S. Stankovic, Radomir S. Stankovic, Ivan Stojmenovic, Djordje Vukomanovic, History of Mathematical Logic in Serbia , in: Logic in Central and Eastern Europe: History, Science, and Discourse (edited by Andrew Schumann), University Press of America, 2012, 467-492.


[C13] - abstract

Jelena Colic, Hajime Machida, Jovanka Pantovic: Maximal Hyperclones Determined by Monotone Operations. ISMVL 2011: 160-163

[C12] - abstract

Colic, J., Machida, H., Pantovic, J., Maximal hyperclones determined by monotone operations, ISMVL 2011:160-163.


[C11] - abstract

Hajime Machida, Jovanka Pantovic, Ivo G. Rosenberg: Galois Connection for Hyperclones. ISMVL 2010: 201-204

[C10] - abstract

Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Silvia Ghilezan, Svetlana Jaksic, Jovanka Pantovic: Types for Role-Based Access Control of Dynamic Web Data. WFLP 2010: 1-29


[J17] - abstract

Hajime Machida, Jovanka Pantovic: Maximal Hyperclones on E2 as Hypercores, Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 15(4): 315-328 (2009)

[C9] - abstract

Hajime Machida, Jovanka Pantovic: Hyperclones Determined by Total-Parts of Hyper-relations. ISMVL 2009: 161-166


[J16] - abstract

Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Silvia Ghilezan, Jovanka Pantovic, Daniele Varacca: Security types for dynamic web data. Theoretical Computer Science 402(2-3): 156-171 (2008)

[C8] - abstract

Hajime Machida, Jovanka Pantovic: On Maximal Hyperclones on {0, 1} - A New Approach. ISMVL 2008: 32-37


[J15] - abstract

Silvia Ghilezan, Jovanka Pantovic, Jovisa D. Zunic: Separating Points by Parallel Hyperplanes - Characterization Problem. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 18(5): 1356-1363 (2007)

[R] - full chapter

Silvia Ghilezan, Jovisa D. Zunic, Jovanka Pantovic: Partitioning Finite d-Dimensional Integer Grids with Applications. Handbook of Approximation Algorithms and Metaheuristics 2007


[J14] - abstract

Jovanka Pantovic, Biljana Rodic, Gradimir Vojvodic: Unary Minimal Partial Hyperclones. Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing 12(5-6): 451-457 (2006)

[J13] - full paper

Jovanka Pantovic, Biljana Rodic, Gradimir Vojvodic: Hyperclone Lattice and Embeddings. Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics, 2006, Vol. 36, No. 1, 87-95.

[C7] - abstract

Jovanka Pantovic, Gradimir Vojvodic: Commuting Hyperoperations. ISMVL 2006: 21

[C6] - abstract

Mariangiola Dezani-Ciancaglini, Silvia Ghilezan, Jovanka Pantovic: Security Types for Dynamic Web Data. TGC 2006: 263-280


[J12] - abstract - full paper

Doroslovacki, R., Pantovic, J., Vojvodic, G.: One Interval in the Lattice of Hyperclones. Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal, 2005, Vol. 55 (130), No. 3, 719-724. (M23)

[C5] - abstract

Jovanka Pantovic, Gradimir Vojvodic: On the Partial Hyperclone Lattice. ISMVL 2005: 96-100


[C4] - abstract

Jovanka Pantovic, Gradimir Vojvodic: Minimal Partial Hyperclones on a Two-Element Set. ISMVL 2004: 115-11


[J11] - abstract

Jovanka Pantovic, Ratko Tosic, Gradimir Vojvodic: Relative completeness with respect to two unary functions. Discrete Applied Mathematics 113(2-3): 337-342 (2001)



Pantovic, J., Vojvodic, D.: On the cardinality of nonfinitely based functionally complete algebras. Algebra Universalis, 2000, Vol. 43, No. 4, 369-374. (M23)


Pantovic, J., Vojvodic, D.: The cardinality of the set of clones containing unary minimal clones on the three element set, Multiple-Valued Logic - an International Journal, 2000, Vol. 5, 367-371.

[J8] - full paper

Jovanka Pantovic, Dusan Vojvodic: Note on the Cardinality of some Sets of Clones. Acta Cybernetica 14(3): 491-495 (2000)

[J7] - full paper

Pantovic, J., Vojvodic, D.: The cardinality of clones containing minimal clones generated by semiprojections on a three element set. Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics, 2000, Vol. 30, No. 2, 155-158.

[J6] - full paper

Vojvodic, G.,Pantovic, J., Tosic, R.:Relative completeness with respect to transpositions, Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics, 2000, Vol. 30, No. 1, 9-13.

[C3] - full paper

Doroslovacki, R., Pantovic, J., Vojvodic, G.: On completeness criterion for partial hyperoperations, TARA 2000:15-17.


Pantovic, J., Vojvodic, D.: The cardinality of nonfinitely based functionally complete algebras on a three element set, AAA60: Workshop on General Algebra, Klagenfurt: Verlag Johannes Heyn, 245-252. 



Doroslovacki, R., Pantovic, J., Vojvodic, G.: Note on intersections of maximal clones. Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics, 1999, Vol. 29, No. 1, 83-90.


Doroslovacki, R., Pantovic, J., Vojvodic, G.: Classification of maps by their membership in maximal clones that contain minimum and complement, Matematicki vesnik, 1999, Vol. 51, 21-28.



Doroslovacki, R., Pantovic, J., Tosic, R., Vojvodic. G.,:Completeness, functional completeness and relative completeness. Algebra & Logic 1998: 171-180.



Pantovic, J., Tosic, R., Vojvodic, G.: The cardinality of functionally complete algebras on a three element set, Algebra Universalis, 1997, Vol. 38, No. 2, 136-140.


Vojvodic, G.,Pantovic, J., Tosic, R.: The number of clones containing an unary function. Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics, 1997, Vol. 27, No. 1, 83-87.



Tosic, R., Vojvodic, G., Masulovic, D., Rosic, J., Doroslovacki, R.: Two examples of relative completeness, Multiple-Valued Logic - an International Journal, 1996, Vol. 2, 67-78.