About us

The project “Journeys for peace” is addressed to students aged 12 to 17 in 5 different countries. Recent events, like terrorism, mass migrations, refugees, have brought about a great sense of insecurity, which in turn increases feelings of fear, selfishness, racism and intolerance towards what is perceived as different.

Integration is losing status as a value among our student population, and it is in fact considered a threat to our own 'roots' and 'traditional values'. It's a matter of 'us' against 'them', without even knowing who are 'we' and who are 'they' exactly. Interestingly enough, most young people have heard of and admire great figures of mankind, but wouldn't be able to say where their greatness lies and why they are important to us.

Then our students find it very difficult to set both short- and long-term objectives and are not always willing to engage to pursue them. Therefore this project wants to address these major needs:

-bring back integration as a fundamental value for a peaceful society

-be aware of the examples found in world AND local peace heroes

-recognize the necessity to set clear objectives and be ready to take action to pursue them.