
Hi there! Welcome to our blog.

Here, we'll be highlighting some of the incredible people, places, history, and service discussed in Journey to South Africa.

Follow along for

  • sneak-peeks of chapters

  • access to original interview recordings

  • examples of student journal entries

  • new writing that reflects on the South Africa ISL program

  • and more

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About Us

This blog was created by the third of three Honors seminars working to create the Journey to South Africa book.

In the first two seminars, students transcribed & coded interviews and wrote chapters based on those interviews.

Now, this class of students gets to highlight the work of our peers, professors, and South African community partners!

Our classmates are hard at work creating content across a variety of digital platforms. Check out the J2SA accounts on:

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November 2, 2020

October 30, 2020