Journal Vouchers are entered into SAP at the departmental level. Duke launched the Journal Voucher Workflow ("JV Workflow") Initiative in response to concerns raised by KPMG and the Audit Committee of the University's Board of Trustees. The workflow process systematically routes journal entries which meet established criteria to the appropriate reviewer(s) for approval before posting the entry to the general ledger. These approval parameters have been established by each management center. It is important to note that users within the departments can be JV initiators, approvers, or both.

The SAP transaction code ZF104 provides a mechanism to upload data from Excel to SAP. Electronic Journal Voucher Uploads to SAP provides detailed information on how to do this type of upload. This is a useful tool when a complex spreadsheet is used to do calculations. By formatting a spreadsheet to match the requirements, the information can be uploaded rather than having to be re-keyed. Journal vouchers that are entered into the system via the ZF104 will route through JV Workflow.

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Entries involving a large volume of Interdepartmental Requisitions (IRs) are considered adequately documented when each line item in the journal voucher includes an IR number, and the extra text field for the journal voucher includes a description of the nature of the charge and the location of the related documentation/support.

A journal voucher, also known as a journal entry voucher or accounting voucher, is a document used in accounting to authenticate or approve a financial transaction before it is recorded in the books. It provides a written record of the transaction and includes details such as:

Journal vouchers serve as an important internal control measure, helping to ensure that transactions are valid, approved, and recorded accurately. They can be used for a wide variety of transactions, including adjusting entries, accruals, payments, receipts, and transfers between accounts.

This journal voucher is kept as a record of the transaction. If anyone later reviews this journal entry and needs more information about why it was made or who approved it, they could refer back to this journal voucher.

A journal voucher is a process of moving accounting entries from one place to another; examples include, correcting an incorrect financial entry to reflect the appropriate FOAPAL element, or providing funding to another department for services or shared resources, or to record Recharges involving other departments.

When an electronic journal voucher cannot be submitted, a paper journal voucher must be submitted, please access and complete the JV form listed on the Forms and Instructions page. A shared drive has been created (M:\shared\fsvc.journals) where copies of PAPER JVs will be available to departments for reconciliation. Paper JVs are journal vouchers that are manually processed by the General Accounting Office. Please note, electronic JVs processed in Banner (FGAJVCD) are not included in this folder as related documents are retained by the department. Individuals with access to this shared drive are listed here in the table below. Please reach out to your assigned point of contact with questions or to request JV documents.

Activities: Submit online journal voucher requests to correct revenue or expense transactions or transfer funds between non-general fund indexes. These requests should be accurate, timely and properly supported and approved in accordance with instructions provided at

Introduction: The Electronic-Journal Voucher is used to make revenue and/or expenditure transfers, corrections or adjusting entries. The electronic-journal voucher (e-JV) allows for journal vouchers and supporting documents to be prepared, submitted, and approved electronically in a fast and secure process. You can access the e-JV form here

Organizations that do not want to track prepayments as closely can use prepayment journal vouchers instead of the prepayment feature. You can create prepayment journal vouchers by creating journal entries and marking them as prepayment journal vouchers. However, you cannot track which prepayments are made to a vendor against which purchase orders.

Accounting practices in many countries/regions require that prepayments (payments in advance) from a customer or to a vendor are not posted to the usual summary accounts for the customer or vendor. Instead, these prepayments are posted to special ledger accounts for prepayments. When a sales order or purchase order is made, an invoice is issued to the customer or vendor. When the invoice is paid, the prepayment journal voucher and sales tax prepayment voucher on the prepayment ledger accounts are reversed, and the invoice amounts are automatically posted to the usual summary accounts. For more information, see Post prepayment journal vouchers to prepayment accounts.

1.1.1 Proper preparation of and adequate support for journal vouchers (JV) are important to ensure that JVs accurately record financial events and that detailed audit trail documentation exists. These actions are the joint responsibility of the Agency Office of the Chief Financial Officer (OCFO), and Centers' OCFO personnel. The accurate and timely preparation of financial statements and other financial reports is often dependent upon accurate, timely, and fully supported JVs. NASA's Agency OCFO and each of the Centers shall fully comply with each of the following requirements:

1.5.1 Documentation. Proper documentation, in either hard copy, electronic form, or both is necessary to support all JV entries. This documentation must be sufficient for the approving official and auditors to clearly understand the reason for preparing the JV and to be able to determine that it is proper and accurate. A request for a JV entry not supported by accurate or proper documentation shall be denied with a request for additional information required to process the JV, along with any applicable authoritative guidance to support the need for the JV. The supporting documentation, whenever practical, should be attached to a copy of the JV. In some cases, however, due to the large number of detailed transactions summarized in the voucher, it may not be practical to attach all of the documentation. In those cases, specific and detailed information summarizing the content and identifying the location of the supporting documentation shall be attached to the voucher. Evidence to support the type of JV discussed in includes reference to specific documents, other source data (e.g. sales orders, contracts), and a complete analysis that supports the correct amount. If a JV is necessary, the voucher shall document why the discrepancy exists in the data. It shall also contain evidence to support the proposed correction and a description of the methodology used to validate the entries on the JV. Approval of the JV also constitutes acceptance of the supporting documentation. The organizational level within the Center or NSSC, at which JVs must be approved, varies by the dollar amount of the voucher as shown by the following table.

i. Document and maintain the data requirements agreed upon by NASA and its trading partners in the Intragovernmental Payment and Collection (IPAC) System and reconciliation process. Note when the IPAC system is not used to settle collection amounts owed to NASA, Standard Form 1080, Voucher for Transfer between Appropriations and/or Funds, should be used to bill other Government agencies, when either the billing or the paying agency is not serviced by a Treasury financial center or the IPAC system cannot be used. Use of the voucher does not impact the need and the requirements to document and maintain the data requirements agreed to between NASA and its trading partners.

Reverse: Select No if this is a new journal voucher. To automatically create a reversing entry based on the current document, select In Current Document; New Document, Current Session; or New Document, New Session.

Currently, the option to print a journal voucher is unavailable in the program. That's why the Transaction Journal report becomes a preview when using the "Print" function in the Journal page.

Why are you using the LedgerJournalTrans as base for voucher transactions? It is possible to clean up this table; then your report is not working anymore. You have to report based on the tables GeneralJournalEntry and GeneralJournalAccountEntry if you need to have posted transactions.

Follow the instructions provided for entering vouchers in the Entering and Processing Vouchers Online: General Voucher EntryInformation chapter. Unless a page element, edit, or process is explicitly described as applying only to another voucher style,you can assume that it applies to the regular voucher style.

Use adjustment vouchers to adjust existing vouchers or to relate two vouchers to each other. You can manually enter adjustmentvouchers or automatically create a debit memo adjustment voucher through the Matching Application Engine process (AP_MATCH).Enter adjustment vouchers to capture credits or to increase the initial voucher.

This section discusses entering adjusting information manually or copying the voucher that you want to adjust into the adjustmentvoucher. PeopleSoft Payables also provides the use of the Matching process to automatically create debit memos to resolvematching exceptions between the voucher and the purchase orders and receivers. The debit memo adjustment voucher is discussedelsewhere in this PeopleBook.

(Optional) On the Invoice Information page, in the Copy from a Source Document group box, enter the voucher ID of the voucherthat you want to reverse in the Voucher ID field, and click the Copy to Voucher button to copy the entire voucher.

If you are adjusting a voucher that references a purchase order, you can update the prior quantity and amount matched againstthe purchase order by selecting the Reverse Qty/Amt field on the Voucher Worksheet page. You can also have the Budget Processor restore or liquidate the encumbrance budget byselecting Adjust Matched Values on the Voucher Worksheet page. ff782bc1db

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