Joungbin An

I am an incoming Ph.D. student at UT Austin, where I will be advised by Professor Kristen Grauman. I recently completed my M.S. in Computer Science at Yonsei University, where I was fortunate to be advised by Professor Seon Joo Kim.  Before that, I received my B.S. degrees in Nano Science and Engineering and Computer Science from the same university. 

My primary research areas are computer vision and deep learning, with specific interests in video understanding, perception for action, vision for robotics, and representation learning. 

CV / LinkedIn / About Me

Research Objective

My recent interests have centered around visual exteroceptive intelligence where I am particularly drawn to using videos as a source to address real-world challenges. 


[2024.07] 1 paper on Online class-agnostic action detection framework is accepted in ECCV!

[2024.05] 1 paper on Egocentric Online Video Understanding is accepted in CVPRW

[2024.04] I will be joining UT Austin CS as a Ph.D. student starting Fall of 2024!

[2023.07] 1 paper on Efficient Online Video Understanding is accepted in ICCV!

[2023.02] 1 paper on Representation Learning (enhancing video representation) is accepted in CVPR!

[2022.10] Paper on Domain Adaptation and Table Mining is accepted for publication in Knowledge-Based Systems! This work was done during undergraduate research.

[2022.10] Paper on Electronic Nose is accepted for publication in IEEE Sensors! This work was done during undergraduate research.

[2022.06] I have been awarded Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Scholarship!


ActionSwitch: Class-agnostic Detection of Simultaneous Actions in Streaming Video

Hyolim Kang, Jeongseok Hyun, Joungbin An, Youngjae Yu, Seon Joo Kim

ECCV 2024

Object Aware Egocentric Online Action Detection

Joungbin An, Yunsu Park, Hyolim Kang, Seon Joo Kim

CVPR First Joint Egocentric Vision Workshop 2024


MiniROAD: Minimal RNN Framework for Online Action Detection

Joungbin An, Hyolim Kang, Su Ho Han, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Seon Joo Kim

ICCV 2023

Project Page / Paper / Code 

Soft-Landing Strategy for Alleviating the Task Discrepancy Problem in Temporal Action Localization Tasks

Hyolim Kang, Hanjung Kim, Joungbin An, Minsu Cho, Seon Joo Kim

CVPR 2023

Paper / Code 

DATa: Domain adaptation-aided deep table detection using visual-lexical representations

Hyebin Kwon, Joungbin An, Dongwoo Lee, Won-Yong Shin

Knowledge-Based Systems 2022 (IF=7.2, Q1)


How beneficial would it be for scientists to have access to an extensive material science database? Imagine the ease of searching for a specific, complex material and instantly obtaining all necessary information, including its physical and chemical properties. Since these properties are often detailed within journal papers, primarily in table formats, the key lies in efficiently extracting these tables from material science journals and integrating them into the database. As an initial measure, a plug-and-playable module was developed that could be plugged into object detectors to extract tables from PDF-formatted material science papers. The biggest challenge was to make the object detectors trained on images to adapt to material science journal papers.

Quantitative Two-Stage Classification of Gas Mixtures Using 2D TMDC and PGM Chalcogenides

Inkyu Sohn*, Joungbin An*, Dain Shin, Jaehyeok Kim, Tatsuya Nakazawa,Yohei Kotsugi, Soo-Hyun Kim, Won-Yong Shin, Seung min Chung, and Hyungjun Kim

(*equal contribution)

IEEE Sensors Journal 2022 (IF=4.3, Q1)


Hazardous gases pose a significant threat, particularly because many of them are imperceptible to humans. Imagine the benefits of an artificial nose capable of electrically detecting these gases, a technology that could be lifesaving in industrial settings where such gases are frequently produced. Current systems, however, face limitations both in physical design and software capabilities. Known as "electronic nose" sensors, these devices are constrained by their operational conditions, and the methods for effectively interpreting their signals are not thoroughly explored. Addressing these challenges, we developed a comprehensive End-to-End Electronic Nose system. Our innovation lies in using Transition Metal Dichalcogenides (TMD) to create a nano-sensor that functions under a broader range of real-world conditions. Leveraging this advanced sensor, we collected extensive gas data and constructed machine learning models specifically for signal classification. This ensures that our system is not just a sensor but a fully functional "electronic nose" capable of both detecting and classifying hazardous gases accurately.

About me

These are some random posts I wrote about myself. Hope you find them interesting 😊

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