About Me

About Me

Josi Harry Mourinho is a 22-year-old gym assistant who enjoys football, ferret racing and social media. He is energetic and kind, but can also be very unintelligent and a bit evil.

He is Swedish who defines himself as gay. He started studying sports science at college but never finished the course.

Physically, Josi is in pretty good shape. He is very short with light skin, red hair and black eyes.

He grew up in an upper class neighbourhood. He was raised by his father, his mother having left when he was young.

He is currently in a relationship with Hugo Oscar Murphy. Hugo is 2 years older than him and works as a screenplay writer.

Josi's best friend is a gym assistant called Teresa Ramirez. They are inseparable. He also hangs around with Amanda Anderson and Vivian Cook. They enjoy travelling together.