Josie Mays

Study Abroad

I am Josie Mays and a psychology major here at UCBA. When deciding on a major, I debated between environmental studies and psychology. While I ultimately chose psychology, environmental studies is still a topic I am very passionate about.  I hope to be able to take the lessons I learn from the class and apply them to my own life. Environmental concerns are all around us and by looking at the history and planning for the future, we can work to find solutions. I hope to learn how to best advocate for my community as well as make changes in my own life that could help in becoming more sustainable. 


Top 5 skills gained through studying abroad:

How does it feel to be back? 

Being back, I feel very nostalgic for my time abroad. I find myself continuously looking back at photos and videos and feeling a sense of homesickness. I am incredibly thankful for the experiences I had and feel as though I am a better person because of it. While in Europe, I feared that when I returned I would go back to my safe and simple life and not push myself out of my comfort zone. While it may not be as much as in Europe, I am actively working to continue to grow my experiences and push myself. One of the hardest parts about leaving for me was missing the people. I feel I have made amazing friendships this past month and it is a big adjustment to go from seeing everyone every day to not. With that being said, I want to try my best and continue to grow all the relationships I made abroad. 

What do I miss most?