35min martin

About the Guest(s):

Dr. David Martin is a renowned expert in various fields, including biology, psychology, sports medicine, orthopedics, and radiology. He is the founder of MCAM, Purple Bridge Management Sequant fund, and Rasa Energy. With a background in academia and clinical trials, Dr. Martin has been involved in providing services to the federal government since the 1980s. He has extensive knowledge of patents and patent applications and has been studying coronaviruses since 2002.

Episode Summary:

In this episode, Dr. David Martin discusses the origins of the coronavirus and the orchestrated narrative surrounding it. He highlights the role of bats as carriers of coronaviruses and questions the official story of the virus originating from a wet market in Wuhan. Dr. Martin delves into the engineered nature of the virus and the manipulation of the definition of vaccines to fit the narrative. He exposes the collusion between public sector and industry players and the suppression of alternative treatments. Dr. Martin also sheds light on the deceptive practices surrounding the development and distribution of vaccines.

Key Takeaways:

The coronavirus outbreak is centered around animals that carry coronaviruses, particularly bats. The virus is not a naturally occurring phenomenon but an engineered technology designed to target various tissues in the human body.

The crime lies in the collusion between public sector and industry players to promote vaccines as the only solution, suppressing alternative treatments and violating antitrust laws.

The definition of vaccines was changed to fit the narrative, focusing on reducing hospitalization or severity of disease rather than preventing transmission or infection.

The patents and patent applications related to the coronavirus and its treatment were manipulated and misrepresented, with conflicts of interest and financial incentives involved.

The media hype surrounding the virus and the distractions created by various social issues were part of a coordinated effort to divert attention from the central problem.

Notable Quotes:

"The crime is not Moderna and Pfizer. They're just the arms dealers. The crime is actually what allowed them to become arms dealers and why on earth we actually have declared war on humanity." - Dr. David Martin

"This was about creating the media hype that they told the world they were going to do in 2015. And the world was asleep." - Dr. David Martin

"The evidence is unambiguous. That's how Zeb Zelenko became Dr. Z and Zeb Zelenko and everything that people know about him. His protocol came from the published work of Ralph Barrick, who was the guy who realized that zinc ionophores and the use of zinc and vitamin D and something like hydroxychloroquine or ivomectin, which actually open up the zinc pathways into the cell." - Dr. David Martin

"The audacity of the crime is what's surprising, not the existence or absence of a disease or the existence or the absence of a pathogen." - Dr. David Martin

"We have been habituated into the belief that if the people in authority who architect the fear tell you a to be afraid, and then b, what to do when you're afraid, then you do it." - Dr. David Martin


MCAM (Dr. David Martin's company): Website

Purple Bridge Management Sequant fund: Website

Rasa Energy: Website

Listen to the full episode [here](insert link) and stay tuned for more enlightening content from the podcast.


Dr. David Martin, founder of MCAM, delves into the origins of the coronavirus and the orchestrated narrative surrounding it. He exposes the collusion between public sector and industry conspirators, highlighting the manipulation of vaccine definitions and the suppression of alternative treatments. Dr. Martin reveals the premeditated nature of the pandemic, with evidence of patents and financial interests tied to the vaccine manufacturers. This eye-opening episode challenges the mainstream narrative and urges listeners to question the true motives behind the COVID-19 crisis.