My research is in low-dimensional topology. I spend most of my time studying surfaces in knot complements and 3-manifolds.
A characterisation of alternating knot exteriors, Geom. Topol. 2017. arXiv journal
(w. Jessica Purcell) Geometry of alternating links on surfaces, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 2020. arXiv journal
(w. Dan Mathews, Jessica Purcell & Em Thompson) A-polynomials of fillings of the Whitehead sister, Int. J. Math. 2023. arXiv journal
(w. Dan Mathews & Jessica Purcell) A-polynomials, Ptolemy equations and Dehn filling, Algebr. Geom. Topol. (accepted) arXiv
Boundary slopes of some non-Montesinos knots, 2014. arXiv
(w. Dionne Ibarra, Dan Mathews & Lecheng Su) Lambda lengths in the figure eight knot complement, 2024. arXiv
Coiled surfaces and the strong slope conjecture, in preparation
The structure of generalised alternating link projections, in preparation
(w. Hyam Rubinstein) Weakly generalised alternating links, in preparation
Surface-alternating knots and links, University of Melbourne, 2015. link
Talks and slides
Geography of spanning surfaces, 2021
Alternating genera of torus knots, 2019
Exceptional fillings of weakly generalised alternating links, 2018
Quasifuchsian checkerboard surfaces, 2016
Uniformly twisted knots and the slope conjectures, 2016
A characterisation of alternating knot exteriors, 2014
Boundary slopes of generalised alternating knots, 2013