
Bareback Nightfall

Available NOW from Noemi Press + Letras Latinas

LGBT Latinx Poetry, #experimental, finalist for the 2021 California Book Award

Bareback Nightfall is about a dj who falls in love with a doctor. When the relationship turns abusive, the dj runs to a dystopia where there is no diference between nightlife and the day-to-day. While traveling, the dj, DJ Ashtrae, finds out that the doctor, Doctor Electronic has overdosed, and it's unclear as to whether it was an accident. DJ Ashtrae is left with Doctor Electronic's unfinished expose about corruption in the healthcare industry--an expose that he can never make sense of. It also records emotional back-and-forth between queer friends and a ravethrown by piñatas.

link to press release


xxox fm

chapbook from DoubleCross Press 2019

Califorkya Voltage

Part of the #TransformMigration Series

Winner, No, Dear/Small Anchor Chapbook Prize 2017