
Teaching  Experience

Euromed University of Fes (2022 - Present)

Digital Economics

Digital Entrepreneurship

International Economics


Mathematics for Business Decision-Making

Georgia Gwinnett College (2019 - 2022)

 Intermediate Microeconomics

 Introduction to Economics

         Principles of Macroeconomics

         Statistical Analysis for Business

West Virginia University (2017 - 2019)

         Econ PhD Mathematical Economics Boot Camp (co-taught)

         Principles of Microeconomics

         Public Economics

         Principles of Macroeconomics

         Intermediate Macroeconomics

Teaching Evaluations

Euromed University of Fes: Summary

Georgia Gwinnett College: Summary

West Virginia University: Summary

Selected Student Comments from Anonymous Teaching Evaluations

Teaching  Philosophy

Two of my greatest passions in life are teaching and economics. My dream is for every student I teach to see the world and their world through the ‘eyeglasses of economics’ . To achieve this dream, I implement evidence-based teaching strategies. Each course features interactive engagement inside and outside the classroom. Within the classroom, there are group discussions, interactive questions, and group worksheets. Outside the classroom, there are blog entries, op-eds, and pre-class work. With all of my teaching strategies, I seek to best serve my students by providing them with opportunities for long-term mastery of using economics to understand issues that are important to them.