Publications in Peer Refereed Journals

"Child care costs, household liquidity constraints, and gender inequality" (with Alessandra Casarico adn Elena Del Rey), Journal of Population Economics,  (2023)

"The unemployment effects of closing the non-essential activities during the Covid-19 lockdown: the Spanish Municipalities" (With Laura Serra and Laura Vall·llosera) , Economic Analysis and Policy, 76, 806-819 (2022).

"Hours and wages: A barganning aproach" (with Elena Del Rey and Joaquín Naval). Economics Letters, 217, 110652 (2022).

"Convergence and determinants of young people Not in opEmployment, Education or Training:  An European regional analysis " (with Laia Maynou and Javier Ordóñez). Economic Modelling, 110, 105808 (2022).

"Labour Markets Effects of Reducing the Gender Gap in Parental Leave Entitlements" (with Elena Del Rey and Maria Racionero). Labour Economics, 72 (2021).

"Employment effects of on-the-job human capital acquisition" (with Joaquín Naval and Javier Vazquez). Labour Economics, 67(C) (2020).

"Maternity Leave and Female Labor Force Participation: Evidence from 159 Countries " (with Elena Del Rey and Andreas Kyriacou). Journal of Population Economics, 34, 803-824 (2020). 

"Labor market effects of public employment " (with Jordi Jofre and Javier Vazquez). Regional Science and Urban Economics, 82(C) (2020).

"Growth and real business cycles in Vietnam and the ASEAN-5. Does the trend shock matter? " (with Thai-Binh Pham and Hector Sala). Economic Systems, 44(1) (2020).

"Act Now:The Effects of the 2008 Spanish Disability Reform " (with Matthew Hill and Judit Vall). Health Economics, 28(7), 906-920 (2019).

"The heterogeneous cyclicality of income and wages among the distribution in the UK "(with Maria Cervini and Antonia Lopez). The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 18(2), 1-13 (2018).

On the Effect of Parental Leave Duration on Unemployment and Wages (with Elena Del Rey and Maria Racionero). Economics Letters, 158(C), 14-17 (2017).

"Partial disability system and labor market adjustment. The case of Spain. " (with Judit Vall). Labour Economics, 48, 23-34 (2017)

"Estimating the income loss of disabled individuals: The case of Spain" (with Maria Cervini and Judit Vall). Empirical Economics, 51(2), 809-829 (2016).

"Real Unit Labour Costs in Eurozone Countries: Drivers and Clusters" (with with Javier Ordonez and Hector Sala). The IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 4,15 (2015).

"Wage effects of non-wage labour costs" (with Maria Cervini and Xavier Ramos). The European Economic Review, 72, 113-137 (2014).

"The Ins and Outs of Unemployment in a Two-Tier Labor Market" (with Javier Vazquez). Labour Economics, 24(C), 161-169 (2013).

"Productivity growth and vocational training: Evidence from the European Union" (with Hector Sala). Journal of Productivity Analysis, 40(1),31-41 (2013).

"The unemployment volatility puzzle: The role of matching costs revisited" (with manuel Toledo). Economic Inquiry, Vol. 51, 1(1), 836-843 (2013).

"Flexibility at the margin and labour market volatility in OECD countries" (with Hector Sala and Manuel Toledo). Scandinavian Journal of Economics, Vo. 114, 3(9), 991-1017 (2012).

"Oil price shocks and labor market uctuations"(with Hector Sala and Javier Ordonez. The Energy Journal, 32, 3, 89-118 (2011).

"Employment protection and the non-linear relationship between the wage-productivity gap and unemployment" (with Antonia Lopez). Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 58, 2, 200-220 (2011).

"The ins and outs of unemployment and the assimilation of recent immigrants in Spain" (with Javier Vazquez). Journal of Population Economics, Vo. 24(4), 1309-1330 (2011).

"Investment-specifc shocks and cyclical fluctuations in a frictional labor market" (with Manuel Toledo). The B.E. Journal of Macroeconomics (Contributions) (2010).

"Labor turnover costs and the cyclical behavior of vacancies and unemployment" (with Manuel Toledo). Macroeconomic Dynamics, Vol. 13, supplement S1, 76-96 (2009).

"Flexibility at the margin and labour market volatility: the case of Spain" (with Hector Sala). Investigaciones Económicas, XXXIII (2), 145-178 (2009).

"Separation costs, job heterogeneity and labor market volatility in the matching model" (with Manuel Toledo). Economics Letters, 101, 77-79 (2008).

Teaching Publications

"Risk-free versus risky assets: Teaching a portfolio model with application to the Stock Market" (with Dolors Berga). Journal of Teaching Economics, Vol.6 (2),  76-94 (2021).

"Teaching an Insurance model: An interactive excercise " (with Dolors Berga and Luis M. de Castro). Spreadsheets in Education, 26 April, 2019.

Prácticas de Economía en Ordenador (with Elena del Rey, Renan Goetz, Nuria Planells and Angels Xabadia). E-book, Antoni Bosch, 2014, ISBN 978-84-941076-2-7.

Teaching the two-period consumer choice model with Excel-Solver (with Angels Xabadia). Australasian Journal of Economics Education, vol 10(2), 2013.

Oferta de trabajo y análisis impositivo con el ordenador: tutorial y actividad práctica (with Elena del Rey). e-pública No. 11, 2012.

Quadern d'exercicis d'economia aplicada en excel (with Angels Xabadia), Colección: Universitat de Girona, 2012.

Other Publications

Sobre la evolución de la pobreza en Venezuela, Revista BCV, 2000. Vol. XIV, No  1. 

La renta petrolera y el crecimiento económico de Venezuela: Análisis del período 1913-1995, Revista BCV, 1999. Vol. XIII, No 2.

Determinantes y Asignación del Ahorro en Venezuela, en Ensayos de Macroeconomía Venezolana, Oswaldo Rodríguez Larralde (comp.) Banco Central de Venezuela, Colección: Económico-Financiera 2001.