
Working Papers, Work In Progress, Research Reports

Angebot an Öffentlicher Kinderbetreuung und Einkommenseinbussen bei Mutterschaft, mimeo, University of Zurich, (with H. Kleven, C. Landais, J. Posch and A. Steinhauer), Version: February 2021.

 UZH Graduates on the Swiss Labor Market, mimeo, University of Zurich (with U. Zölitz), 2021.

Duration Dependence in Job Search: Applications, Interviews, Job Offers, mimeo, Universities Zurich, Lausanne, Hohenheim, (with J. Zuchuat, R. Lalive, A. Osikominu and L. Pesaresi).

The Ins and Outs of Vacancies, mimeo, Universities of Zurich and Texas/Austin, (with A. Mueller and D. Osterwalder). 

Job Mobility and Creative Destruction: Flexicurity in the Land of Schumpeter, mimeo, (with F. Kramarz, F. Malhebert and H. Turon).

Migration und Sozialversicherungen. Eine Betrachtung der ersten Säule und der Familienzulagen. Beiträge zur Sozialen Sicherheit, Forschungsbericht 06/23, Bundesamt für Sozialversicherungen, Bern, (with S. Favre and R. Foellmi), 2023.


Income Distribution in Macroeconomic Models, Princeton University Press (2006), 456pp. (with G. Bertola and R. Foellmi).

Published Papers

Vacancy Durations and Entry Wages: Evidence from Linked Vacancy-Employer-Employee Data (PDF, 726 KB), Review of Economic Studies 91 (2024): 1807–1841, (with A. Mueller, D. Osterwalder and A. Kettemann).

Do Family Policies Shape the Evolution of Gender Inequality? Evidence from 60 Years of Policy Experimentation,  American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 16 (2024): 110-149, (with H. Kleven, C. Landais, J. Posch and A. Steinhauer).

Designing Disability Insurance Reforms: Tightening Eligibility Rules or Reducing Benefits, Econometrica 92 (2024): 79-110, (with A. Haller and S. Staubli).

Marginal Jobs and Job Surplus: A Test of the Efficiency of Separations (PDF, 3380 KB), Review of Economic Studies 90 (2023): 1265-1303, (with S. Jäger and B. Schoefer).

MIgration and Labor Market Integration in Europe (PDF, 1671 KB), Journal of Economic Perspectives 35 (2021): 49-76, (with D. Dorn). [Online Appendix]

Wages and the Value of Nonemployment (PDF, 2188 KB), Quarterly Journal of Economics 135 (2020): 1905-1963, (with S. Jäger, B. Schoefer and S. Young).

Fatal Attraction? Access to Early Retirement and Mortality (PDF, 740 KB), Journal of Public Economics 191 (2020): Article 104087 (with A. Kuhn, S. Staubli and J.P. Wuellrich).

Demand Forces of Technical Change Evidence from the Chinese Manufacturing Industry (PDF, 619 KB), China Economic Review 60  (2020), Article 101157, (with A.Beerli, F.J. Weiss, and F. Zilibotti).

Child Penalties Across Countries: Evidence and Explanations (PDF, 381 KB), AEA Papers and Proceedings 109 (2019): 122-­126. (with H. Kleven, C. Landais, J. Posch and A. Steinhauer).

Unemployment Insurance and the Labor Market (PDF, 1507 KB), Adam Smith Lecture, EALE 2017, Labour Economics  53 (2018): 1-14, LINK

International Arbitrage and the Extensive Margin of Trade between Rich and Poor Countries (PDF, 850 KB), Review of Economic Studies 85 (2018): 475­‐510, (with R. Foellmi and Ch. Hepenstrick)

Immigration and Voting for the Far Right (PDF, 1147 KB), Journal of the European Economic Association 15 (2017): 1341–1385, (with M. Halla and A. Wagner).

Culture, Work Attitudes and Job Search: Evidence from the Swiss Language Border (PDF, 608 KB), Journal of the European Economic Association 15 (2017): 1056-­1100, (with B. Eugster, R. Lalive and A. Steinhauer).

Is Inequality Harmful for Innovation and Growth? Price versus Market Size Effects (PDF, 252 KB), Journal of Evoluationary Economics 27 (2017): 359-378, (with R. Foellmi).

Too Old to Work, too Young to Retire? (PDF, 467 KB), Journal of Economics of Aging 9 (2017): 14-29, (with A. Ichino, G. Schwerdt, and R. Winter-­Ebmer).

Extended Unemployment Benefits and Early Retirement: Program Complementarity and Program Substitution (PDF, 867 KB), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 8 (2016): 253-288, (with L. Inderbitzin and S. Staubli).

Market Externalities of Large Unemployment Insurance Extension Programs (PDF, 2673 KB), American Economic Review 105 (2015): 3564-3596, (with R. Lalive and C. Landais).

The Macroeconomics of Model T, Journal of Economic Theory 153 (2014): 617-647, (with R. Foellmi and T. Wuergler).

Inequality and Growth: The Neglected Time Dimension, Journal of Economic Growth 19 (2014), 81-104, (with D. Halter and M. Oechslin).

How Does Parental Leave Duration Affect Parents’ Subsequent Labor Market Careers: Job Protection versus Cash Transfers, Review of Economic Studies 81 (2014): 219-265,  (with R. Lalive, A. Schlosser, and A. Steinhauer).

Does Raising the Early Retirement Age Increase Employment of Older Workers?, Journal of Public Economics 108 (2013): 17­‐32, (with S. Staubli).

Do Financial Incentives Affect Firms' Demand For Disabled Workers?, Journal of the European Economic Association 11 (2013): 25‐58, (with R. Lalive and J.P. Wuellrich).

The Demand for Social Insurance, Does Culture Matter?, Economic Journal 121 (2011): F413­‐F448, (with B. Eugster, R. Lalive, and A. Steinhauer).

Recessions are Bad for Workplace Safety, Journal of Health Economics 30 (2011): 764-773, (with J. Boone, J. van Ours, and J.P. Wuellrich).

Exclusive Goods and Formal-Sector Employment, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 3 (2011): 242-272, (with R. Foellmi).

Equilibrium Unemployment and the Duration of Unemployment Benefits, Journal of Population Economics 24 (2011): 1385­‐1409, (with R. Lalive and J. van Ours).

Unemployment and Right-­Wing Extremist Crime, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 113 (2011): 260-285, (with A. Falk and A. Kuhn).

Does the Color of the Collar Matter? Firm-­specific Human Capital and Post-­displacement Outcomes, Economics Letters 108 (2010): 137­‐140, (with A. Ichino, O. Ruf, G. Schwerdt, and R. Winter-­Ebmer).

How Does Parental Leave Affect Fertility and Return-­to-­Work? Evidence from Two Natural Experiments, Quarterly Journal of Economics 124 (2009): 1363-1402, (with R. Lalive).

The Public Health Costs of Job Loss, Journal of Health Economics 28 (2009): 1099-­1115, (with A. Kuhn and R. Lalive).

Structural Change, Engel's Consumption Cycles and Kaldor's Facts of Economic Growth, Journal of Monetary Economics 55 (2008): 1317-1328, (with R. Foellmi).

The Impact of Active Labour Market Policies on the Duration of Unemployment in Switzerland, Economic Journal 118 (2008): 235-­257, (with R. Lalive and J. van Ours).

How Changes in Financial Incentives Affect the Duration of Unemployment, Review of Economic Studies 73 (2006): 1009-1038, (with R. Lalive and J. van Ours).

Income Distribution and Demand Induced Innovations, Review of Economic Studies 73 (2006): 941­‐960, (with R. Foellmi).

The Impact of Benefit Sanctions on the Duration of Unemployment, Journal of the European Economic Association 3 (2005): 1386-­1417, (with R. Lalive and J. van Ours).

The Success of Job Applications: A New Approach to Program Evaluation, Labour Economics 12 (2005): 739-­748, (with A. Falk and R. Lalive).

Innovation and Growth with Rich and Poor Consumers, Metroeconomica 56 (2005): 233-­262, (with J.K. Brunner).

Benefit Entitlement and Unemployment Duration: The Role of Policy Endogeneity, Journal of Public Economics 88 (2004): 2587-2616, (with R. Lalive).

Patents in a Model of Endogenous Growth, Journal of Economic Growth 9 (2004): 81-123, (with T. O‘Donoghue).

Inequality, Market Power, and Product Diversity, Economics Letters 82 (2004): 139­‐145, (with R. Foellmi).

On-­the-­job Training, Job Search, and Job Mobility, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics 139 (2003): 563-­576, (with R. Winter-­Ebmer).

Job Creation and Job Destruction in a Regulated Labor Market: The Case of Austria, Empirica 30 (2003): 127­‐148, (with F. Stahl, F. Stiglbauer, and R. Winter-Ebmer).

Schumpeterian Entrepreneurs Meet Engel’s Law: The Impact of Inequality on Innovation-­Driven Growth, Journal of Economic Growth 5 (2000): 185-­206.

Firm Size Wage Differentials in Switzerland: Evidence from Job Changers, American Economic Review 89 (1999), Papers and Proceedings: 89-93 (with R. Winter-­Ebmer).

Do Immigrants Displace Native Workers? Journal of Population Economics 12 (1999): 327-­340, (with R. Winter-­Ebmer).

Immigration and the Earnings of Young Native Workers, Oxford Economic Papers 48 (1996): 473-491, (with R. Winter-­Ebmer).

The Cross-­Country Engel-Curve for Product Diversification, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 7 (1996): 79-­97, (with J. Falkinger).

Eastern European Trade and the Austrian Labor Market, Review of the World Economy 132 (1996): 476-500,(with K. Aiginger and R. Winter­‐Ebmer).

Manpower Training Programs and Employment Stability,  Economica 63 (1996): 113­‐130, (with R. Winter-­Ebmer).

Joint Retirement of Spouses and Social Security Reform, European Economic Review 40 (1996): 449-472 (with J. Falkinger and R. Winter­‐Ebmer).

Relative Wages Under Corporatist and Under Decentralized Bargaining Systems, Scandinavian Journal of Economics 97 (1995): 369­‐384, (with E. Barth).

Internal Labor Markets and Firm-­Specific Determination of Earnings in the Presence of Immigrant Workers, Economics Letters 48 (1995): 185-191, (with R. Winter­‐Ebmer).

Bargaining Structure, Wage Determination, and Wage Dispersion in 6 OECD-Countries, Kyklos 47 (1994): 81-93, (with E. Barth).

Gender Wage Differentials in Private and Public Sector Jobs, Journal of Population Economics 7 (1994): 271-285, (with R. Winter-Ebmer).

Partial Retirement and the Earnings Test, Journal of Economics 57 (1993): 295­‐303.

Survey Non-­Response and Biases in Wage Regressions, Economics Letters 39 (1992): 105­‐109.

Labour Market Institutions and the Industry Wage Distribution. Evidence from Austria, Norway, and the US, Empirica 19 (1992): 181­‐201, (with E. Barth).

Occupational Segregation and Career Advancement, Economics Letters 39 (1992): 229-­234, (with R. Winter-Ebmer).

Raising Children: Private Costs and Foregone Earnings, Labour 6 (1992): 181-200, (with R. Buchegger).

Farm Income, Market Wages, and Off-Farm Labour Supply, Empirica 18 (1992): 221-­235, (with Ch. Weiss and M. Pfaffermayer).

Do They Come Back Again? Job Search, Labour Market Segmentation, and State Dependence as Explanations of Repeat Unemployment, Empirical Economics 17 (1992): 273-­292, (with R. Winter-Ebmer).

Earnings, Social Security Legislation, and Retirement Decisions, Applied Economics 23 (1991): 851-860.