Analysis at Brown

At Brown I used to attend two seminars regularly: the Analysis Seminar (see schedule here) and the Informal Analysis Seminar, that I also organized. If you want information about any of them, especially the latter (which is much less official), just drop me a line at You can see the topics that we covered during my term there below.

  • July - November 2017. The decoupling theorem of Bourgain and Demeter, following Hickman and Vitturi notes. Presenters: Alex Barron, Linhan Li, Spyridon Kakaroumpas.
  • November 2017 - February 2018. Noncommutative integration, noncommutative Lp spaces (notes). Presenter: José M. Conde Alonso.
  • February 2018 - March 2018. Noncommutative martingales (notes). Presenter: José M. Conde Alonso.
  • April 2018 - August 2018. Discrete harmonic analysis. Presenter: Spyridon Kakaroumpas.
  • September 2018 - November 2018. An application of decoupling to mixed norm inequalities. Presenter: Alex Barron.
  • November 2018 - December 2018. Solutions to the Dirichlet problem for divergence form elliptic operators with unbounded coefficients. Presenter: Linhan Li.