Hi there! I am a PhD in physics student at Instituto de Física - UNAM, in Mexico.

My email: deleongarrido.jose@gmail.com

A photo of me when I visited the state of Yucatán in Mexico. Specifically, here I was at cenote Zaci, which is in the middle of the city of Valladolid.

About me

I did my undergrad in Escuela de Ciencias Físicas y Matemáticas at USAC, in Guatemala, my home country. After obtaining my 5-year Bachelor's degree, I moved to Mexico city to continue my master's at UNAM, where I have worked in Carlos Pineda's group at Instituto de Física. My research has focused on studying two specific classes of multiparticle quantum channels. On one hand, a class of Pauli quantum channels that describe decoherence. On the other hand, we have studied a generalization of Pauli channels for systems of arbitrary-dimensional particles: Weyl channels for multiparticle systems. 

One of the most beautiful results that we have obtained is that Weyl channels, which contain the Pauli channels, have algebraic structures embbeded within them. In turn, this means that only the Weyl quantum maps with the algebraic structure represent the physical evolution of a quantum system. I am excited to explore the potential application of this in my future research.

Go check 

and email me if you want to discuss more of my work or related topics! My email is deleongarrido.jose@gmail.com

The beautiful landscape of the sunrise/sunset over Guatemala City, with volcanoes Pacaya (left) and Agua (right) in the background.