The current focus of my research is related to topics of international trade and sports economics. My work is also associated with industrial organization, household economics, and economic history. The apparent broadness of my research comes together in a geographic dimension. My interests are centered on the economic and social reality of Latin America in general, Colombia in particular.

Sports economics is a growing field in economics, particularly in Europe and the United States. Although this area is an exception to my regional interests, my work attempts to bring South American sports economics specifics to research in the field worldwide.

Check below my peer-reviewed publications (articles, books, and chapters), non-peer-reviewed work (here), and unpublished working papers (here)

Please find all my open-access published material here

Todo el material publicado con accesso libre está disponible aquí

Peer-reviewed publications


Galindo, A. and Tovar, J. (2024) “From the pandemic to the pitch. Unraveling COVID-19′s effect on workers' performance ” in Economics Letters. 238. 1-5 Available here


Tena, J. and Tovar, J. (2023) “Emotional shocks and Performance: Evidence from the FIFA World Cup” in International Journal of Sport Finance. 18(3) 150-165 Availabel here

Soccer, World War II and coronavirus: a comparative analysis of how the sport shut down. Bandyopadhyay K. editors  Available here


Six Ways Population Change Will Affect the Global Economy in Population and Development Review. Joint with Lee, R.; Mason, A.; and members of the NTA network Available here


On Fairnes, Justice and VAR: Russia 2018 and France 2019 World Cups in a Historical Perspective. Palgrave McMillan. Available here

On the Short- and Long-Run Effects of Social Safety Nets. Zafarullah, H., and Shafiqul Huque, A. editors Handbook of Development Policy. Edward Elgar Publishing, UK. Available here.

"Soccer, World War II and coronavirus: a comparative analysis of how the sport shut down  Soccer & Society, 22:1-2, 66-74. Available open access 

"Covid-19: How football closed in South America" in  Time Out: Global Perspectives on Sport and the Covid-19 Lockdown Editors: Jörg Krieger, April Henning, Lindsay Pieper, Paul Dimeo (pp. 211 - 225). Common Ground Research Networks. Available here 


“Performance, diversity and national identity: evidence from association football” in Economic Inquiry Vol. 58 (2), pp. 897-916. Available here


"Home and Market Production Time Use Differentials in Colombia" in Time Use and Transfers in the Americas Jorge Tovar and Piedad Urdinola editor. Ed. Springer. Joint with Urdinola, P.. Available here.

"The Use of Time Across the Americas: Colombia, Costa Rica, United States and Uruguay" in Time Use and Transfers in the Americas Jorge Tovar and Piedad Urdinola editor. Ed. Springer. Joint with Donehower, G., and Urdinola, P. Available here.

"Arborización y hurto a peatones en Bogotá" en Economía y Seguridad en el Post Conflicto Hernando Zuleta editor. Ed. Uniandes. Joint with Carriazo, F. Available here.


"Sugary drinks taxation, projected consumption and fiscal revenues in Colombia: Evidence from a QUAIDS model in PloS One 12 (12). Joint with Caro, J.C., Ng, S.W., Bonilla, R., and Popkin, B. M. Available open access

The Impact of Social Safety Net Programs on Household Savings in Colombia in The Developing Economies Vol. 55, No. 1. Joint with Urrutia, M. Available here.


"Is low fertility really a problem? Population aging, dependency, and consumption" in Science 346 (6206), pp. 229-234. Joint with Lee, R., Mason, A., Urdinola, P., et al.Available here.

"Gasping for Air: Soccer players’ passing behavior at high altitude" in Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports Vol. 10, No. 4, pp 411 - 420. Available here.

"Inequality in National Inter-Generational Transfers: Evidence from Colombia" in International Advances en Economic Research Vol. 20(2), pp. 167 - 187. Joint with Urdinola, B.P.  Available here.

"Case Study of Mesoamerica" in Plummer, M. (OECD) Editor Regional Perspectives on Aid for Trade. OECD Publishing. Available open access.

 Números Redondos: Leyendas y Estadísticas del Fútbol Mundial. Grijalbo Ed.

Reseñas / Book reviews

  El Espectador

Trayectoría Económica


"Consumers’ Welfare and Trade Liberalization: Evidence from the Car Industry in Colombia" in World Development Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 808-820. Available here.


"Risk, Concentration and Market Power in the Banking Industry: Evidence from the Colombian System (1997-2006)" in Banks and Bank Systems Vol. 6(1), pp. 49-61. Joint with Jaramillo, C. and Hernández, C. Available open access.


"Common Knowledge Reference Price and Asymmetric Price Adjustments. Evidence from the Retail Gasoline Market in Colombia" in Review of Industrial Organization Vol. 37(2), pp. 141-159. Joint with Hoffstetter, M. Available here.

"La Manumisión en Colombia: Un análisis cuantitativo" in Meisel, A. y Ramírez, M.T. Ed. Economía Colombiana del Siglo XIX. Banco de la República y Fondo de Cultura Económica. Available here.


El Oscuro Camino de la Libertad: Los esclavos en Colombia 1821 -1851. Ediciones Uniandes. Bogotá – Colombia. Joint with Tovar Pinzón, H.  Available open access

"Incidencia del Impuesto al Valor Agregado sobre los Precios en Colombia in El Trimestre Económico, México Vol. LXXVI (3) No. 303, July – September." in El Trimestre Económico, México Vol. LXXVI (3) No. 303, July – September. Joint with Jaramillo, C. Available open access.


"Caracterización del Ahorro de los Hogares en Colombia" in Revista Coyuntura Social No. 38 - 39, June - December. Available open access.

"El Impacto del Impuesto al Valor Agregado sobre el Gasto en Colombia" en Revista Lecturas de Economía, No. 68, Enero – Junio. Joint with Jaramillo, C. Available open access.


"Reflexiones sobre la teoría y práctica del IVA en Colombia" in Revista de Economía del Rosario Vol. 10, No. 2 pp. 171-188. Joint with Jaramillo, C. Available open access.


"Una Nota a la Metodología en el Cálculo Oficial del Déficit Habitacional" in Revista Economía y Desarrollo, Vol. 5, No 2. Joint with Villamizar, D.


(1998). Dos Visiones de Política de Desarrollo: Colombia y Taiwan 1950 - 1995 in Revista Planeación y Desarrollo, Vol. XXIX, No1, Jan.-Mar. Available open access

Non-peer reviewed publications

Unpublished working papers