Talk videos and slides

10. Stability of Einstein metrics on flag manifolds with b2=1. CLAM 2021, September 2021. Video

9. On the stability of compact homogeneous Einstein manifolds. Invited talk delivered at MCA 2021, July 2021. Video

8. The Lichnerowicz Laplacian and Prescribed Ricci problem on homogeneous manifolds. Plenary Lecture delivered at Geometry and Applications Online celebrating the 80th birthday of Dmitri Alekseevsky, September 2020. Slides

7. Prescribing Ricci curvature on homogeneous manifolds. Geometry with Symmetries Virtual Seminar, August 2020. Video

6. Finding solitons in differential geometry. ICTP Math Associates Seminar, July 2020. Video

5. Extremally Ricci pinched G2-structures. Plenary Lecture delivered at Special Geometries and Gauge Theory, Brest, France, June 2020. Slides

4. Sobre la existencia de estructuras geométricas en espacios homogéneos. (in Spanish), Seminario del Grupo de Geometría de FaMAF, Univ. Nac. de Córdoba, Febrero 2020. Video

3. Negative Ricci curvature in the homogeneous case. Plenary Lecture delivered at the VI School and Workshop on Lie Theory, University of Brasília, August 2019. Video

2. Solitones en G2-geometría (in Spanish). Seminario del Grupo de Geometría de FaMAF, Univ. Nac. de Córdoba, Febrero 2019. Video

1. Homogeneous Ricci flows and solitons. Plenary Lecture delivered at the Intern. Symp. on Diff. Geom. "in honor of Marcos Dajczer on his 60th birthday", IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, August 2009. Video