Finance for Good Consulting

Finance for Good Consulting, LLC

Finance for Good Consulting (FGC) is a consulting firm that aims to assist and promote financial institutions that serve as alternatives to the for-profit business model and strive to improve the well-being of mankind. These institutions are mission-driven cooperatives, nonprofit organizations and B corporations that put people above profit, promote human welfare, contribute to world solidarity, strive towards social justice and environmental sustainability, and recognize the central role that family and community play in social, spiritual and economic well-being. Examples of such organizations include credit unions, nonprofit microfinance organizations, village savings and loan associations, financial cooperatives, social impact investing organizations, and associations and agencies that support such institutions.

FGC's services include:

  • Impact evaluation

  • Cost-benefit analysis

  • Pricing analysis

  • Econometric analysis

  • Forecasting

  • Academic literature review

To inquire about FGC's consulting services contact:

“A credit union is not an ordinary financial concern, seeking to enrich its members at the expense of the general public. Neither is it a loan company, seeking to make a profit at the expense of the unfortunates…The credit union is nothing of the kind; it is the expression in the field of economics of a high social ideal.”

~ Alphonse Desjardins, Credit Union Pioneer