
Articles and books


Dai, T., Jose, J. M., Patel, V. M., and S. M. Jordaan. (2023) The Life Cycle Land Use of Natural Gas-Fired Electricity in the US WesterInterconnection.  Environmental Science: Advances, 2 (5), 815-826 

Nock, D., L. Janicke, K. Surana, S. M. Jordaan. (2023) Air pollution co-benefits from electric transmission and distribution systems. Energy, 126735. 

Cagle, A. E., M. Shepherd, S. M. Grodsky, A. Armstrong, S. M. Jordaan, R. R. Hernandez. (2023) Standardized metrics to quantify solar energy-land relationships. Frontiers in Sustainability.


Jordaan, S.M., Ruttinger, A.W., Surana, K., Nock, D., Miller, S.M. and Ravikumar, A.P., 2022. Global mitigation opportunities for the life cycle of natural gas-fired power. Nature Climate Change, 12(11), pp.1059-1067.

Rangarajan, S., Hernandez, R.R., and S. M. Jordaan.  Life cycle impacts of concentrated solar power generation on land resources and soil carbon losses in the United States. Frontiers in Sustainability, p.128. 

Jordaan, S.M., Park, J. and S. Rangarajan. (2022)  Innovation in intermittent electricity and stationary energy storage in the United States and Canada: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 158, p.112149.

Hernandez, R.R., Cagle, A.E., Grodsky, S.M., Exley, G. and  S. M. Jordaan. (2022) Comments on: Land use for United States power generation: A critical review of existing metrics with suggestions for going forward (Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 2021; 143: 110911). Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, p.112526. 

Dai, T., S. M. Jordaan, A. Wemhoff. (2022) Gaussian Process Regression as a Replicable, Streamlined Approach to Inventory and Uncertainty Analysis in Life Cycle Assessment. Environmental Science & Technology. 

Ruttinger, A., S. Tavakkoli, H. Shen, C. Wang, and S. M. Jordaan. (2022) Designing an innovation system to support profitable electro- and bio-catalytic carbon upgrade. Energy & Environmental Science.  

Tavakkoli, S., L. Feng, S. Miller, and S. M. Jordaan. (2022) The implications of generation efficiencies and supply chain leaks for the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions from natural gas fired electricity. Environmental Science & Technology, 56(4):2540–2550.


Jordaan, S.M. and Wang, C. (2021) Electrocatalytic conversion of carbon dioxide for the Paris goals. Nature Catalysis, 4(11), pp.915-920. 

Tavakkoli, S., Macknick, J., Heath, G.A. and Jordaan, S.M. (2021) Spatiotemporal energy infrastructure datasets for the United States: A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 152, p.111616.  

Jordaan, S.M. (2021) Wells to Wire: Life Cycle Assessment of Natural Gas-fired Electricity. Springer International.

Jordaan, S.M., Combs, C. and Guether, E. (2021) Life Cycle Assessment of Electricity Generation: a systematic review of spatiotemporal methods. Advances in Applied Energy, p.100058. 

Jordaan, S. M., J. Lee., M. McClung, and M. Moran. (2021) Quantifying the ecosystem services of electricity generation in the U.S. Chihuahuan Desert using a life cycle perspective.  Journal of Industrial Ecology. 


Hernandez, R. R., ‡ S. M. Jordaan, ‡ B. Kaldunski, and N. Kumar. (2020) Aligning climate change and Sustainable Development Goals with an innovation systems roadmap for renewable power.  Frontiers in Sustainability.  ‡ denotes shared first authorship.  

Zhang, M., S. M. Jordaan, W. Peng, Q. Zhang, and S. Miller. (2020) Potential Uses of Coal Methane in China and Associated Benefits for Air Quality, Health, and Climate. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(19), pp.12447-12455. 

Jordaan, S.M., Q. Xu, and B. Hobbs. (2020) Grid-Scale Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Implications of Renewable, Storage, and Carbon Pricing Options. Environmental Science & Technology, 54(17), pp.10435-10445.

Jenkins, L. M., R. Alvarez, and S. M. Jordaan. (2020) Unmanaged climate risks to spent fuel from U.S. nuclear power plants: the case of sea level rise.  Energy Policy. 


 Surana, K. and S. M. Jordaan.‡ (2019) The climate mitigation opportunity behind global power transmission and distribution. Nature Climate Change, 9: 660–665. .  ‡ denotes equal contribution.

Jordaan, S. M., A. Siddiqi, B. Kakenmaster, and A. Hill.  (2019) The Climate Vulnerabilities of Global Nuclear Power. Global Environmental Politics, 19(4): 3-13. 

Jordaan, S. M., A. Davidson, J. Nazari, I. M. Herremans. (2019) The Dynamics of Advancing Climate Policy in Federal Political Systems.  Environmental Policy and Governance, 29(3): 220-234.

Jordaan, S. M. and K. Konschnik. (2019) Measuring and Managing the Unknown: Methane Emissions from the Oil and Gas Value Chain.  C.D. Howe Institute, Issue Brief. 


Kasumu, A., V. Li, J. W. Coleman, J. Liendo, S. M. Jordaan. (2018) Country-level Life Cycle Assessment of Liquefied Natural Gas Trade for Electricity Generation. Environmental Science & Technology, 52(4): 1735–1746. 

Konschnik, K. and S. M. Jordaan. (2018) Reducing fugitive methane emissions from the North American oil and gas sector: a proposed science-policy framework.  Climate Policy, 18(9): 1133-1151.

Jordaan, S. M., L. A. Patterson, and L. Diaz Anadon. (2018) A spatially-resolved inventory analysis of the water consumed by the coal-to-gas transition of Pennsylvania. Journal of Cleaner Production, 184: 366–374. 

Jordaan, S. M. (2018) Resilience for power systems amid a changing climate. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 74:2, 95–101.

Umeozor, E., S. M. Jordaan, and I. D. Gates. (2018) On Methane Emissions from Shale Gas Development. Energy, 152: 594-600. 


Boersma, T. and S. M. Jordaan. (2017) Whatever happened to the golden age of natural gas? Energy Transitions, 1:5. 

Jordaan, S. M., E. Romo-Rabago, R. McLeary, L. Reidy, J. Nazari, I. M. Herremans. (2017) The role of energy technology innovation in reducing greenhouse gas emissions in Canada. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 78: 1397–1409. 

Jordaan, S. M., G. A. Heath, J. Macknick, E. Mohammadi, D. Ben-Horin, V. Urrea and D. Marceau. (2017). Understanding the life cycle surface land requirements of natural gas-fired electricity.  Nature Energy, 2: 804–812. 


Ciliberti, C., S. M. Jordaan, S. V. Smith, S. Spatari. (2016) A life cycle perspective on land use and project economics of electricity from wind and anaerobic digestion.  Energy Policy, 89: 52–63. 

Coleman, J. W. and S. M. Jordaan. (2016) Clearing the Air: How Canadian LNG Exports Could Help Meet World Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals.  C.D. Howe Institute, Issue Brief. 


Brandt, A. R., G. A. Heath, E. A. Kort, F. O'Sullivan, G. Pétron, S. M. Jordaan, P. Tans, J. Wilcox, A. M. Gopstein, D. Arent, S. Wofsy, N. J. Brown, R. Bradley, G. D. Stucky, D. Eardley, and R. Harriss. (2014) Methane Leaks from North American Natural Gas Systems.  Science, 343: 733–735.  DOI: 10.1126/science.1247045  


Jordaan, S. M., L. D. Anadon, E. Mielke, D. P. Schrag. (2013) Regional water implications of reducing oil imports with liquid transportation fuel alternatives in the United States.  Environmental Science & Technology, 47(21): 11976–11984.  (Awarded Best Technical Paper at the Canadian Renewable Fuels Summit). 


Jordaan, S. M. (2012) Land and water impacts of oil sands production in Alberta. Environmental Science & Technology, 46(7): 3611–3617. 


Doluweera, G., S. M. Jordaan, M. Moore, D. W. Keith, and J. A. Bergerson. (2011) Evaluating the role of cogeneration for carbon management in Alberta. Energy Policy, 39: 7963–7974. 


Jordaan, S. M. and M. C. Moore. (2010) Ethical risks of environmental policies: ethanol production in North America.  School for Public Policy, University of Calgary, 3(9). 

Yeh, S., S. M. Jordaan, A. Brandt, S. Spatari, M. Turetksy, D. W. Keith. (2010) Land use greenhouse gas emissions from conventional oil and oil sands production.  Environmental Science & Technology, 44(22): 8766–8772. 


Jordaan, S. M., D. W. Keith, B. Stelfox. (2009) Quantifying land use of oil sands production: a life cycle perspective, Environmental Research Letters, 4: 024004. 


Jordaan, S. M. (2007) Ethical risks of attenuating climate change through new energy systems: the case of a biofuel system.  Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics, 2007: 23–29. (Essay Contest Winner, Environmental Science). 

Other publications (selected)

Research reports and book chapters

Coleman, J. W., A. Kasumu, J. Liendo, V. Li, S. M. Jordaan. (2015) Calibrating Liquefied Natural Gas Export Life Cycle Assessment: Accounting for Legal Boundaries & Post-Export Markets, CIRL Occasional Paper #49.  Canadian Institute of Resources Law.

Electric Power Research Institute. (2013) Shale Gas Production in the United States: Environmental and Economic Resource Challenges and Opportunities.  Palo Alto, CA. 3002002014.

Jordaan, S. M., C. Stevens, D. B. Brooks. (2009) Chapter 12, Removing institutional barriers: challenges and opportunities in Making the Most of the Water We Have: The Soft Path Approach to Water Management. Editors D. B. Brooks, O. M. Brandes, S. Gurman. EarthScan Publications.

Working papers

Patterson, L. A., S. M. Jordaan, and L. Diaz Anadon. (2016) A Spatiotemporal Exploration of Water Consumption Changes Resulting from the Coal-to-Gas Transition in Pennsylvania. Nicholas Institute of Environmental Policy Solutions, Duke University and the Belfer Center for International Affairs, Harvard Kennedy School. NI WP 16-01. Durham, NC:

Jordaan, S. M.  (2011) Governance of impacts to land and water resources from oil sands development in Alberta.  Working paper series, Laboratory on International Law and Regulation, University of California, San Diego.

Opinion articles 

 Jordaan S. M., and K. Surana. (2019) We calculated emissions due to electricity loss on the power grid – globally, it’s a lot.  The Conversation:

S. M. Jordaan and K. Konschnik. (2019). Regulating methane emissions will keep Canada’s oil and gas sector competitive, not hurt it.  The Globe and Mail, Op-Ed:

S. M. Jordaan. (2018) How Climate Change Threatens the US Power Supply.  Expert Analysis – Opinion, for Law360:

Konschnik, K. and S. M. Jordaan. (2018) How to reduce methane emissions from the oil and gas industry across North America.  The Conversation:  

Kasumu, A., S. M. Jordaan, V. Li, J. W. Coleman, and J. Liendo.  (2018) The Greenhouse Gas Implications of Exporting LNG from B.C. C.D. Howe Institute, Intelligence Memo:

S. M. Jordaan. (2017) From Laggard to Leader – Canada as champion of the Paris Agreement?  C.D. Howe Institute, Intelligence Memo:–-canada-champion-paris-agreement

S. M. Jordaan and D. Gordon. (2017) Power to the States: How Carbon Pricing Can Be a Winning Strategy Under a Trump Administration. Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington DC:

Coleman, J. W. and S. M. Jordaan. (2016) B.C. LNG could reduce emissions overseas – if it’s done correctly  Globe and Mail, Op-Ed: