The RocketTheme WordPress Theme Club features exclusive access to beautifully designed WordPress themes to give your WordPress site a stunning and unique look with incredible functionality.

"As an experienced coder that was relatively new to Joomla! I felt theme frameworks had a very steep and intimitating learning curve. Gantry 5 changed all this! For me its' logical layout, strong documentation and the open, friendly community around it put G5 light years beyond it's competitors."

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I know this is not a correct question but I dont know where to go, rocket forums wont accept guests :|I've followed the tutorial on how to add a popup login and everything works except when I click the login button, then nothing happens, it only displays a "#" on the URL, the login.php contains this syntax code: href="#"I'm probably missing something but I dont know what?

Theme business for free content management systems like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento is another profitable business idea to look at. Selling themes can be a passive income for developers or grow bigger and turn into profitable business with several employees. In any case theme and plugin business almost always starts as side hassle generating passive income for developers.

As in every business there are easy and hard parts to it. Easy part is you spend your energy to build a theme and then sell it several times through subscription. Every subscribed customer can use any theme that they provide and change whenever they want a new or other theme.

Creating themes for multiple platforms needs lots of separate developers that know the code structure of each platform. To make development and maintenance relatively easy they created the Gantry theme framework.

With theme framework you can use features of framework in each theme regardless of platform. In other words you create a theme for framework. Update framework once related platform updates. This way it is more manageable to update all related themes by just updating the main Gantry theme framework.

We can see that initially they started rapidly creating themes. Adding a new theme every month attracts more new customers and makes them choose a subscription based model to the theme club. In theme club subscription they can use any theme that Rocket Theme offers instead of sticking with one theme.

For this reason some theme developers expand to different plugins within the same platform. For example they add ecommerce, classifieds, job list, real estate, forum, question answer plugins and themes for them.

Update 2023: After covering as many platforms as they can, Rocket Theme started to retire themes for some of the content management platforms. They are phpBB, Magento and some WordPress plugins. Reason for retiring in most cases is version change and probably low demand for paid themes for existing customers. Instead of struggling to support all platforms they prefer to give best support for platforms with most customers that makes the company profitable.

In this case study we have how a theme business transitioned from custom client themes to premium themes with club subscription. Forum used as attraction point for new customers and solution for users having similar problems.

To do this, navigate in the directory structure to ROOT/user/data/gantry5/themes/THEME_DIR/scss and create a file called custom.scss if one doesn't already exist. If the /scss/ directory doesn't exist within your custom folder, you will need to create that, too. If it already does, just open it and make your additions/changes directly to the file.

We have consolidated the includes for Bourbon, Nucleus, theme mixins, and variables into a _dependencies.scss file. You can now just import this one file to have it all. Use @import "dependencies"; in your custom.scss file to import it.

If you don't want to just change the favicon.ico file in its respective template directory you can find the reference to the favicon.ico file in the html.php document. The path is "........\libraries\joomla\document\html\html.php". This should prevent the icon from toggling if you use

Another great site for premium themes is Template Monster. This organization has been on the Internet for quite some time and I remember downloading Joomla 1.5 templates from them back in 2008. This site also houses layouts for other management systems and has a wide selection of hundreds of different styles to choose from. 0852c4b9a8

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