Jongwoo Ko

I am a Ph.D. student of the KAIST AI and a member of OSI Lab (Advisor: Se-young Yun, KAIST). My current research focuses on efficient Transformer models [C6, C7, C8, C10], particularly generative language models like T5 or LLaMA. Additionally, I am also interested in efficient Vision Transformer models or multi-modal models [P1]. I aim to enhance the efficiency of large Transformer models. 

Previously, my research interests revolved around developing new algorithms to address real-world challenges in the machine learning pipeline, such as noise label [C1, C3, W4] and class imbalance [C5] settings, while providing statistical or mathematical guarantees. I received a master's degree in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering from KAIST under the supervision of Prof. Heeyoung Kim.

Contact me : jongwoo [dot] ko [at] kaist [dot] ac [dot] kr [CV / Scholar / Github / LinkedIn]

Preprints 🗒️

(P: Preprint, *: Equal Contribution, ^: Equal Advising)

[P1] Improving Adaptability and Generalizability of Efficient Transfer Learning for Vision-Langauge Models

Publications 📑

(J: Journal, C: Conference, W: Workshop, *: Equal Contribution, ^: Equal Advising)


[C10] DistiLLM: Towards Streamlined Distillation for Large Language Models 

[C9] Fine-tuning Pre-trained Models for Robustness Under Noisy Labels


[C8] NASH: A Simple Unified Framework of Structured Pruning for Accelerating Encoder-Decoder Language Models

[C7] Fast and Robust Early-Exiting Framework for Autoregressive Language Models with Synchronized Parallel Decoding

[W4] Efficient Utilization of Pre-trained Model for Learning with Noisy Labels

[C6] Revisiting Intermediate Layer Distillation for Compressing Language Models: An Overfitting Perspective 

[C5/W2/W3] CUDA: Curriculum of Data Augmentation for Long-tailed Recognition

[C4] Self-Contrastive Learning: Single-viewed Supervised Contrastive Framework using Sub-network

[C3/W1] A Gift from Label Smoothing: Robust Training with Adaptive Label Smoothing via Auxiliary Classifier under Label Noise


[C2] Synergy with Translation Artifacts for Training and Inference in Multilingual Tasks

[J2] Deep Learning-Based Cataract Detection and Grading from Slit-Lamp and Retro-Illumination Photographs: Model Development and Validation Study


[C1] FINE Samples for Learning with Noisy Labels

[J1] Deep Gaussian Process Models for Integrating Multifidelity Experiments with Non-stationary Relationships

Experience 🌏

Applied Scientist Intern Services LLC

Invited Talk 📢

ASG (Applied Science Group) Research Talk @Microsoft

Code Implementations 🖥️


Awards & Honors 🏆

Silver Prize, 30th Samsung Humantech Paper Awards (2024)

Winner, Qualcomm Innovation Fellowship Korea (2022)

Editor's Choice for Featured Article, IISE Transactions (2022)

Education 🧑‍🎓

Korea Advanced Institue of Science and Technology (KAIST), Seoul, Korea, Mar. 2020 - Present

Ph.D in Kim Jaechul Graduate School of Artificial Intelligence (Advisor: Se-Young Yun)

Korea Advanced Institue of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, Mar. 2018 - Feb. 2020

M.S. in Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (Advisor: Heeyoung Kim)

Thesis: Deep Gaussian Process Models for Integrating Multifidelity Experiments with Non-stationary Relationships

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Daejeon, Korea, Mar. 2014 - Feb. 2018

B.S. in Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering (Magna Cum Laude)