Jonathan Stäbler

Welcome to my website! 

I am a PhD Candidate in Economics at the University of Mannheim, Graduate School of Economics and Social Sciences.

I am on the 2023/2024 Econ academic job market and will be available for interviews

You can download my CV here.

Research Interests:

In particular, I focus on sabotage, antisocial preferences and motivated beliefs in contests, as well as on the enforcement of social norms. I mainly employ experiments that are guided by theoretical models.

In my Job Market Paper (download here), I theoretically and experimentally study how revealing the number of contestants affects both effort and sabotage compared to concealing this information. Further, I evaluate the created value by comparing the resulting performances, which are shaped by the combination of the exerted effort and the received sabotage. I show that the overall performance can be higher under concealment, even though the disclosure policy does not affect average effort and sabotage levels. The experimental results largely confirm these theoretical predictions and demonstrate the significance of accounting for the effects of sabotage, as it induces performance differences between the group size disclosure policies. By concealing the number of contestants, a designer can mitigate the welfare-destroying effects of sabotage, without curbing the provision of value-creating effort.

Photo credit: Katrin Glückler 

Contact Information:

University of Mannheim

L7, 3-5 - Room 4.16

68165 Mannheim, Germany

Photo credit for all header pictures:  Aleksandra Khokhlova